Participants in Kitchen Table Conversations and our online forum were asked the following questions. For transparency, all responses are included below as they were noted down. These responses were summarised and key themes collated into our final report.

What do you love about living in Wannon? 

- peaceful, not congested,
- affordable, can be involved in community 
- within Warrnambool can get everywhere quickly
- climate is good
- good local hospital, schools, great new library in Warrnambool
- lots of free or affordable recreational activities
- individuals are more valued as people know each other more, more inclusive and welcoming
- public transport from Warrnambool to Melbourne is good
- good range of community groups, sporting groups, balance between this and not having too many people that you lose your personal connection
- cooler conditions, water availability – may be good in future if climate changes
- good coastline
- lots of job opportunities and a diverse range of businesses/industries/agriculture
- as the population is a bit smaller there is more contact with political representatives/councillors etc
Small enough to feel like a community but has services.
Beautiful area geographically, sea, easy to access nature.
Moderate climate
Lifestyle relaxed, 
People walk and bike places. 
Relaxed and friendly
People in shops know your name and familiar staff, nice vibe, e.g., Materia’s and supermarket.
Bike path and rail trail and beach path, Merri River path, Hopkins River walking path, and good walking and dog paths, 
Sporting facilities are good, ARC, tennis courts, basketball, pickleball, hockey, football, 	basketball,
Two rivers for boating and fishing and nature
Art gallery and good art community
Theatre and cinemas, book clubs
Fabulous new library and coffee shop and lovely friendly staff 
Lots of music, orchestras, choirs 
Good amateur theatre for children and adults 
Lots of job opportunities for mental health area
Feeling of strong prosperous economy, in Wbl, unlike Hamilton, Portland, Mortlake etc.
Haven’t had to deal with big employers closing, and if there are, people can get other jobs.
Voices of Wannon group 
It’s a quiet, simple life away from big cities; there is a stronger sense of caring and it is less self-absorbed/ selfish. It offers opportunities to be close to nature, especially Tower Hill.
Open space, communities – supportive of their people, 
Ocean, whales, hidden gems, western district as recruitment ground for Collingwood FC, family connection in the 1880s
Good people, open spaces, affordable to buy land in comparison to outer suburbs eg. Craigieburn
Daughter down here, coastal, decent size with decent hospital, entertainment, etc., coffee, vistas, things to do, geography, ancient-ness of the place, Grampians, coastal walks, not too far from Melbourne, trains, talented people in the arts
Realestate in melb to expensive, covid in a one bedroom flat in Melb, needed a garden and space, house for less than a one bedroom flat, cast a broad net across the country to find a location, but liked the culture of Victoria. The community pulled together in covid times.  Remembered a school trip to Warrnambool.  Good soil, rivers, coffee, vibrant community, perhaps held back by Dan Tehan.  Focus on sport rather than arts etc holding us back.  Drawback of homophobia in the community.  Need more top down leadership. Gender relationships also behind the times. Surprise of vibrant music community. Nature and culture balance.  Anonymity and community.
Otways connection with the coast.
Sport is too much of a focus.
Anything that’s not a city is a plus I love living in the country.
Safe community mostly, with a few nutjobs
I like living in a small town.
It’s got a good climate for dairy farming, good rainfall, and safe agriculturally. 
I like basalt plains, but it’s got a dark history.
It’s a shame so little native vegetation remains.
I like the outdoors and the clean air and diversity of services.
I love the natural environment. 
I like the sense that it’s just the beginning of recognition of Aboriginal culture, 
It could be a really strong part, even a feature of this region (aboriginality)
We’re starting to get good coffee even.
I like the coast and the sea.
It’s a real town, not a tourist town, like Torquay and Anglesea. It has its own services and it’s a real community, 
We only live in Warrnambool, so it’s hard to talk about Wannon, but I do get around the electorate. 
I originally thought Warrnambool was a very conservative place, but I’m pleased to find out its actually a very warm, welcoming and interesting place and people.arts
Warrnambool has good services but they’re not so good one as you move away from Warrnambool. 
I like the seasons and the weather,
I think it’s ideally inclusive, respectful, and honest, 
Is scenic, good nature walks good environment.
A connected community, lots of people volunteer. Like in South West Walk an annual day when people help out. Lots of people volunteer. Used to volunteer in Live for Life a mental health youth group where we go to different schools and talk about mental health and how to help. Educating people on it, demographically aimed at young people. For students in year 9 and 10. Whole school trained in mental health first aid training. 
Everyone knows each other.
Moved back from city because we wanted our children to be raised in the country, access to outdoors, and feeling of community, as she had when she was growing up in the 1980’s. There were communities of faith, working class areas, knew everyone in the community, Fletcher Jones community in the 1950’s and 1960’s etc. It was good for Warrnambool economically and socially. Ditto Kraft, the Mill, Warrnambool Cheese, and Butter, were all very cohesive. South Warrnambool was a wonderful close little community. 
Connection to nature, beaches, walking tracks.
Protection from climate change, such as bushfires and floods while so many other regions are so much more vulnerable.
Many of the group had grown up in Warrnambool and moved away and have now actively chosen to come back.
Not  too far away from big cities.
Lots of access to visual arts and music and arts and innovation, e.g., Lisa Gorman, Shane Howard, Archie Roach 
People say hello, adds to accountability and transparency.
-Fantastic place to raise a family, kids can walk to school unescorted
 -Beautiful landscape with many opportunities to get out into nature
- Sense of community 
- Pockets of interesting, intelligent and imaginative people
- Freedom to follow unconventional ideas and dreams (example given of aspirations for camel ownership and then numerous examples cited by KTC participants around the table of people in the Hamilton area who had achieved their dream of owning a camel)
- Easier to access your needs in a country town than in a metropolitan centre and a sense of freedom from living with less of the unnecessary wants associated with urban consumerism
- multi generational family history and connection with the area
Question framed as “why do you love where you live?”
Halls Gap, the Grampians
Geographical space, plains with a mountain backdrop
That it is not Ballarat or Melbourne
Comfortable sized town
Good schools, especially primary schools
Community involvement
Wannon can be rich in tourism. We are living in the great green triangle and have a lot to offer. The 12 Apostles has more visitors than the great barrier reef. Visitors come to this attraction and then they turn around and go back to Melbourne.
I love the natural environment living near the ocean.
Having access to so many beautiful open spaces like Tower Hill. Having access to the ocean
Being involved in choirs, local theatre. I love how the half an hour it takes to drive to work is a journey through beautiful country.
With the formation of the Shara Clarke concert. Like to have every year.
I love all the people I’ve met and how the relationships you have with people is more lasting. It has that country feel.
We have basically everything we need in Warrnambool. Other than for the arts, we don’t have to go to Melbourne. The country. You can live on the edge of town without going into town.
I love this area. because we belong there. We have all our people buried here. We have the environment
We have the beauty here. I love it. The forest the river the gullies.
The sea. 
The Hopkins river used to provide a great source of food for our people. We used to have fish traps down here. They are thousands of years old and we just add a bit to them and we can still use them.
The history and culture of it. We don’t really see the racism. Everyone goes out of the way to speak to us. 
As a whiter person I don’t have the long term spiritual connection to the land.
It’s not 40 years before you become a local. It’s like 40,000 years
It’s not too far to go to Melbourne. The rail line is a massive asset. I’ve used it a lot. But it does need more work.
I love my family and country.
Just having such a temperate climate. It feels very lucky. Always hotter in Melbourne. It rains more here.
Not Melbourne - Melbourne is anonymous,
Good lifestyle, work life balance
Being near the coast
Sense of community
Good weather
Environment and slower pace
Friendliness of people
Sense of home
Diversity of the electorate - different people in each town are culturally different
Wide open space, natural/environmental beauty, down to earth community
Great outdoors, space, place for clear thinking,
Knowing your neighbours, knowing your community.
Families are raised by ‘the village’
Great place for children
Affordable lifestyle
More progressive
Stable variables of climate
Educational opportunities
Ease of travel around the local area
WDHS/aged care/high level of care
Respectful expectation of behaviour in public (because everyone knows everyone)
High integrity 
Beautiful CBD that doesn’t require cars
Proximity to activities: Grampians/beach/ 
Cost of living – value for your money for families
Good place to make and create
More people coming here – because people are discovering the lifestyle and the beauty
So much potential
Climate is more stable than other parts of Australia 
Can buy a house in the smaller town for an affordable price.
Amazing soil and water
Opportunities/possibilities – we are the next fridge of affordability for creatives
Close little hamlets and villages 
I feel like I live in Port Fairy (PF), not Wannon. PF is a “can do” community; the rest of Wannon seems stuck in a time warp. 
We live in a bubble in PF because there is a higher socioeconomic status so there are increased resources; higher education levels; more money. Othe parts of Wannon don’t have that. 
Over time, tensions between conservative and progressive people have emerged. In the last election, many conservative people voted against ScoMo but could not bear to vote Labor so they voted teal. It was a reaction to the situation at the time. 
I don’t recognise Wannon because its so huge. We’re in a bubble here. 
I feel on the outer because it’s hard to share my real views . I feel judged and I also judge back. It’s really hard to find a willingness to listen. The “Voice” referendum really highlighted that. 
Have VOW been getting a diversity of views? We have more in common than we acknowledge but differ on priorities. 
Wannon people are under-exposed to a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences.
Rural people are badly done by by the National Party
There is an assumption that VOW is a political party and there is a lack of trust in the process. 
There’s a lot of complacency because its a “comfortable” electorate. People don’t want to be uncomfortable; don’t want to open their minds and be exposed to political discussion. 
Some older people do see when things are “not right” and will speak up about that and reject the actions that are happening. Not everyone has the experience and confidence and be willing to question the “group think”.
Such a small number of students leave the area. Safer to stay at home within the group. 
Caring community
Small town vibe
Weather – I like the temperate weather
Camperdown has access to lots of places – Geelong, Warrnambool, Melbourne
Lovely landscape and environment. It can be a bit isolating though.
Love the coast and Warrnambool
It is somewhere where you can “get away from the rat race”. It is a much calmer place than the city
Environmentally it is a really special place
Fell in love with the place after moving from elsewhere
Landscape is amazing - Grampians, Otways, great ocean road, volcanic provinces – we need to make sure it is looked after.
Largest town is still not large – most people know each other, we are used to living in small towns with lots of collaboration from people across the region. 
We also recognise the value of farming and agriculture.
Geography and natural features are excellent
Much better living in smaller towns, rather than a big city with urban sprawl
It is accessible to the city 
I like the summers (although the winters are too long) 
Geography is very interesting, great botanic gardens in Camperdown
Love the peace and quiet
Can afford to buy a house here!
Some people are friendly and inclusive (although some are not)
It is outside of Melbourne
Great employment and opportunities, big employers stable
You can make living in Colac what you want it to be
Making human connection is important
Plenty of choice for enriching experiences
You can walk everywhere (Colac)
People are very friendly
Healthcare is good
Increasing cultural diversity with the hope that it is positive on both sides
Social connection seems easy
Kind, compassionate people that care about the health and education of those they care about
Strong sense of community
Proximity to Otways, coast and larger centres
The people. People are connected, kind and considerate
Park, lake, close to beach and bush
Lovely, paradise, easy to live here. Small community.
Caring, nurturing community
Great environment
Greater understanding is developing in the community. Less dense
Caring community
Political views get forgotten when times are tough. People pitch in
Strong volunteer culture
Laid back
Plenty of room
Less pressure
Close to the bush
Fortunate. Close to Lorne, bush and easy to get to major centres. 
Great place to raise kids. Great lifestyle.
You can be involved if you wish to. 
People are open. 
Good schools. 
Lake is a great resource. 
Many different groups to be involved in.
Love my community and neighbours.
Good people. Wannon has changed and people want to have input into further change.
Love the ocean
I like the people, but still feel reasonably new. It is a good community, people are willing to engage and participate.
Enjoy Warrnambool – it is more community minded than where I used to live. There are a lot of young professionals like me and they are happy to volunteer their time, are community minded, support grass roots events.
Everything is so close, and a good beach. Has a good sense of community
The beach is great. 
I like the weather (even though it is windy!) 
Warrnambool is relatively resilient in terms of bushfires and flood events – we are not as much at risk as other places
I feel like this is the luckiest bit of the country, as even with climate change we should not be too hot
I like the climate
I like the people
I like that it is becoming more multicultural
I feel privileged to be on land that has a long indigenous history and has the connection to the Gunditjmara people. We need people to have more access to information about indigenous history
There are diverse educational options here, which some regional areas don’t have – TAFE, Deakin Uni and other opportunities as well which are good quality options
There are lots of things that are within 1 hour drive – beaches, bushwalking, bike trails
It is a good area for horseriding which I love
Weather, the climate. Safe place re weather. It’s the lucky corner of the world.
Vibrant arts community really important. Art, music theatre. Far enough from Melbourne that don’t have to deal with craziness. We have beautiful green spaces and the natural environment around us. 
Also the caring community. We are so lucky. All the schools are great.
Also the medical services from the hospitals are really good in Warrnambool, the specialists are very good.
For Warrnambool to be big enough to be a hub for services is very important.
The sporting clubs are really great here for children to find their place. We are blessed with a very vibrant sporting community. This makes good people. It helps build the adults of tomorrow. It exposes children to a wider range of people from different places and different backgrounds. The sporting clubs perhaps reflect the new society.
We are a bit of a white Anglo Saxon corner, but this is changing a little. Still a lot to be done with tolerance.
When a Sudanese family come into a sporting club or school they are pretty well accepted. 
Are deep seated prejudices still however. But there are enough people about to challenge this including the children.
I feel safe. 
Great cycling, the beach.
Clean environment.
I like the sense that it is a smaller community, having come from Melbourne. And I hope that the idea of looking after one another in that smaller community is something that actually does happen.
I think of myself as living in Port Fairy. I wouldn’t want to live in other places in Wannon.
I like the little towns in Wannon. That sense of continuity and community. You don’t really get that in Melbourne.
I’m originally from rural South Australia and in South Australian it’s those little towns activitieslike Kirkstall that are forgotten. They may as well not be there. Glad it’s not like that here. The distances are bigger in South Australia.
I love the fact that there are a lot of draw cards that bring a lot of interesting people to Port Fairy. There is always something happening, marathon, festivals. There is a huge amount of engagement and involvement. 160 volunteers at the marathon. 80 runners.
Port Fairy is a hub and there is a special sort of people who live there. There are more people there that think similarly to me. You get most of what you need in Port Fairy, good medical services. In small towns if there is a hospital there is a community heartbeat. Port Fairy is well supported by Warrnambool. Hospitals, schools etc.
Bluntly, it’s not the city.  Further to that, the climate here is unbeatable.  By the weather forecast, this Saturday sees us heading for our third over-30 degrees day for the summer.  For a South Australian boy, this is unbelievable. 
I love living in an area that is natural koala habitat.  I love sitting at The Passage every night reading my book to the sound of crashing waves, occasionally watching crazy surfers. 
We love living in a town that is big enough to have 90% of what we need on a day to day basis, and being a short drive from a larger centre that has the remaining 10%.
From a young age, I’ve always loved western Victoria for the consistent ‘gum-tree-dappled’ landscape.  It’s not as strong down here as it is a little further north, but it’s still purely beautiful.
I came here for a sea change
I have returned to my family country around the Lake Condah area – the richness of culture. Participating in community activities.
I like the sea. Work in the sea food business.
Returned to Portland to live after travelling. Some of the time I don’t like living here, it is depressing how the environment is being managed. I love the environment and our history (both indigenous and white fella history). There is a lot of history which creates an interesting community. 
I was born here. My father came back to help build the Port of Portland. There was a big range of nationalities involved in this (Irish, Dutch, Portuguese) which brought lots of interesting culture. Since then there has been a change, new people from the city have not integrated into the community very well. They have come for cheaper housing but have brought their attitudes which are not always friendly or welcoming.
Tuna fishing has impacted Portland significantly – people have come and bought cheap housing just to have as a base for tuna fishing during the season. They don’t get involved in the community. It stretches the social fabric. Their attitude is just about having the biggest boat and biggest ute and have a fairly self interested attitude. The recreational fishing sector (especially tuna) is under-regulated, it is a Federal fishery. It is all about loot and pillage. There is a lot of waste, they cut of a good fillet and throw out the rest. They take industrial quantities and the bag limits are too high. There is little enforcement of the fishing regulations.
There is a lot of industrialisation of fish farming and industrial scale recreational fishing.
Wannon has a very significant coastline and our local MP should take a further interest in this issue.
Are the charter fishing boats only bringing fish back to port? There is a risk of disease (quarantine issue) and drug trafficking – the Federal government needs to consider this and do more about protecting marine parks.
Sense of community
Shared identity
Open spaces town to town
Sense of connectedness
Sense of safety
Access to lot of other recreational areas/environments – beaches, pasture,
Thriving big centres, worries about viability of smaller centres.
Proximity to city
Train service to city
Anglo-Saxon/Celtic years ago.  Like that it is a “more diverse cultural community.”
Country roots, family connection
Beauty in the geography “aesthetically stunning”
“Diversity of people you can mix with regardless of socioeconomic level”
Opportunities – easy to access opportunities, “well-rounded life without needing a huge income”
Short commutes
“Can’t believe we live here” – beauty
Far enough from Melbourne to have services – eg. Cancer centre, close enough to do day trip to Melbourne
Cheap train service
Community – connection to indigenous heritage locally with Banjo Clarke
Living and working in the same place – different from living one place and working in another
Education community – social network
Health services excellent – don’t realise until you go elsewhere how good it is here
“Could be a little warmer”!!
“Big enough town to have all the services”
“This town is still really racist”
Coastal beauty
Great place to bring up kids
Growth of centres at the expense of smaller towns
“Evolution of farmers moving from dairy to beef”
Innovative farming practices
Could have increasd population but not increased footprint; “Breaking my heart to see farming land being built out”
“Sites like the old Callaghnas motors need to be housing’
Housing right in town for Warrnambool to be viable. – “so much space in town for housing”
“Not a metropolis”
“Point at which people withdraw from engaging with issues”
“Warrnambool is obsessed with franchises”
Local and small business not encouraged
“local member – horrifying”
Easy place to live, amenity
Change in the community over time – enjoyed it – multiculturalism, “faces that look different which we find pretty wonderful”
Climate for gardening!
Relatively small city, town-like feel
Supports people with a wide range of interests
Rich in the capacity for networking
“Real potential”
“Rich indigenous history which I really appreciate”
Strong sense of place
Well-supported by a strong local economy. Dairying etc. strong agricultural sector
Education opportunities – good schools, primary and secondary, university
Deakin University – so important – international students, country campus is very appealing ot international students,  medical program and OT program very positive.  “needs to see how important tertiary education is to regional towns”
“Courage to be stand up and be heard”
Out of the city, beautiful scenery, the people, the Grampians, the bush.
Dunkeld is nice community, moved from a big city, no traffic or crime, Grampians the major draw card, like the small mixed interesting town not as conservative as where they came from, mixture of people who appreciate the environment, affordable housing.
Moved to Mortlake because it has affordable housing, close to mountains and sea, and close to Melbourne.
 Fifty years living in a small country town,  having moved from Dandenongs, because of affordable housing, fabulous views of Mt Sturgeon, loves the environment, birds, bush, mountains, 
Five years in Dunkeld, ex outskirts of Melbourne, lived through bush fires there but was spooked every hot day, so moved here to be closer to her daughter and away from fire risk. Involved in community groups.
This area had a good climate and good farming land.
Open space, fresh air, natural environment
Belonging to a community “people know who I am”
Social engagement in a caring community
Individuals are able to make a difference
Red gums
Beautiful area physically and geographically, Warrnambool, close to coast, 
Community warmly welcoming, friendly place, tourists comment on how welcoming it is as a town, 
Newcomers to Wbl, 16 years in Wbl: Nice that we’re in the country but not remote, and not far from Melbourne, feels like a country town, but has good services. 
Person who was born in the area: likes the country, lots of community services, education, especially now that we have Deakin, hospital, community services.
Good lifestyle, medical, sporting facilities, education, bit far from Melbourne, but that’s OK.
Good restaurants and cafes, Lighthouse Theatre.
10 years in Brunswick and now here: single female, loves the feeling of safety, lack of noise pollution, good air quality, quieter pace.
Resident living here five years, most have made a choice to live here, like it’s affordability.
No commute time, people say hello and are friendly. 
People who make the choice to live here are attracted by the friendliness, people know how good it is and do your best to make it a good place to live, 
We’re so fortunate that we have access to the world, and we have a comfortable place to live.
Has lived in Melbourne, and New Zealand, thinks Wbl is the sweet spot in terms of size, diversity, friendliness. 
Agriculturally, more reliable rainfall that most other places in Australia, which is why the land is so expensive, good soil.
Quiet rural community
Rural feel – easy to contact people
Apollo Bay is a very supportive community
Beautiful place but geography is not enough
Beautiful environment but needs protection
Away from the city
Birregurra is friendly, accepting and forward-looking
A safe, comfortable community.
People with similar views
Creative community
Natural environment is a big part
Annoyed when electoral boundary changed
Becoming more diverse
I don't know, I've never lived anywhere else to compare.
Close to the sea
Beautiful landscape
People, like yourselves, rural community and environment.
Access to Grampians
Country communities
Employment security
Lower cost, more opportunities compared to Melbourne
Beautiful part of the world. I love living by the ocean. Lots of open spaces. Great people. Lots of opportunities. Wonderful place to raise a family.
Natural environment, friendly neighbourhoods, walkable towns, opportunities to get involved in many ways.
Location, oceans, history, fauna flora marine life
Compared to Melbourne or Sydney it is a dream, I think of it “like being on holidays 24/7”! Fresh air, no traffic jams, easy parking, friendly people & neighbours, more stable weather with very few “extremes”. Great places for kids to grow up in.
It’s close enough to major regional centres, the beach and even Melbourne is easily accessible. It is clean and light and a beautiful environment. The community is more varied than monolithic in culture.
Peaceful, friendly community with good bicycle riding
Natural environment, small rural towns, growing diversity in the population, safety, plenty of work opportunities, good education options, engaged and active community members
The natural surrounds and the people. Our rich indigenous heritage and culture.
Space, friends, not too many people, easy access to services
Live close to the sea. Warrnambool is a nice city with good parks and services overall. Land and houses still more affordable than Melbourne. Climate not too hot. Reliable rainfall. Grampians and Otways are great.
Good natural environment and availability of all important services.
I love our seaside town, the clean air, the beach, the places to walk. Also so many other places to visit.
Good weather/ available resources/ economic stability/ great community feel with festivals
Environment, active community, peacefulness, caring and sharing
the community the landscape the animals and birds
Beautiful country/climate, less stressful than major centers.
Country life, healthy lifestyle, good communities, countryside and beach close by.
Space, easy access from where we live to public transport to Geelong / Melbourne
The community is reasonably social minded - however there are some very hard right opinions
The natural environment (especially Gariwerd) well away from large cities. Good health sevices and education facilities.
Beautiful part of Australia- friendly community-
Low traffic clean air nice sized community
Community, great environment
The area I am lucky enough to live in (Warrnambool) has beautiful natural environment & fresh air including coastline & a regional city with many pluses ie schools, hospital, shops, cheap & easy public transport to/from Melbourne, good public spaces
A beutiful part of the world. Dunkeld offers not only excellent food but the ability to participate in an active community. I am retired with good mobility so this area offers me what I require to be fulfilled. However, I am priviledged to be in this position. There are very large local issues that need to be addressed if not in my position.
Same as with most country towns, good community networks and support
Community. Country living. Beautiful nature
Very little travel, I’m on a wheelchair so that is very important to me.
A good train service
Nearby national parks and nature reserves (Tower Hill, Twelve Apostles); peace and quiet; not too far from Melbourne; increasing diversity.
We enjoy a small community of folk who embrace us and with whom we share values.
The landscape and natural environment are very beautiful, in particular the Mt Emu Creek, volcanic landforms and seasonal wetlands . The birdlife, especially waterbirds and carrion.
The historical significance of the region, both the white-settler history and indigenous history.
The land is not over developed and remains mostly in large holdings and hasn't been subdivided.
The vast horizon and seasonal changes that allow us to connect to the natural world.
The Camperdown Botanic Gardens and the fine building stock in our townships. The remnant stone-walls.
That every town has a public swimming pool - the number of bike and walking paths.
The Camperdown and Noorat Agricultural Shows
Life style, good neighbours in area where we live
Environment and the people
Natural environment. Relaxed country feel.
Access to most services without the stress of big city living.
The physical environment, rural life.
I live in Warrnambool - it has great services, university, beautiful coast, a wonderful community garden and other active community groups doing great things like F Project, WCLN, Beach Patrol, etc where you can find your tribe and community connection.
sea and country
good enviroment, freindly people, good access to services, good roads
Beautiful natural environment
Thriving local and tourist communities
Excellent education, health, entertainment and sporting facilities.
Public transport links to Melbourne.
It is a good rural location with lots of options for people to live on the land, in towns or in cities. It is well located in terms of climate.
Space, community, quieter pace of life
Grampian views, rural lifestyle, beautiful beaches, wildlife, friendly communities ( mostly!)
I grew up in Ararat and enjoyed the close community there. I enjoyed playing sport, volunteering, and feeling connected to those around me. I now live in Port Fairy and enjoy the community here a lot- especially the community of young families and the way we all look out for each other.
Lifestyle. Coastline. Good public services except transport.
Open space. It’s indigenous and natural landscape. The wind farms. Community and Arts. Relative affordability. Economic opportunities.
Good Access to Healthcare
Good Access to Education
Natural Beauty
Coast, lower population,
Attractive regional location with easy access to hospital, university and rail connection to Melbourne.
Sea air, dog friendly.
The environment, schools, hospitals, medical facilities, variety of Clubs within the community, Warrnambool is a great city.
Wannon has the potential to provide access to transport, health and services.
Reliable climate Economically diverse Good educational opportunities
Space, country feel, interesting landscapes
Community, lifestyle, weather
I feel part of a good community.
Space, the environment, the quiet and visual beauty. The people are nice also!
Slower pace of life
Fresh air
Natural environment, ocean, beaches, parkland, Grampians, stunning vistas
Cultural facilities, theatres, library, festivals,
Base hospital facility and services
Public transport facilities
Walking paths
I like my small town of Terang but would prefer it to be in a smaller electorate so get more engagement with elected members.
The region has a lot to offer, bush, beach, etc.
Wannon has plenty of natural beauty, lakes, mountains & the ocean..
Distance from Melbourne, environment, good sized community
It is a sensational place to live with wonderful environment, good people and potentially great community resources.
It's a very resilient economic area. Plenty of room and fresh air.
? An odd question? Do you mean politically or ...? It's beautiful but it's being destroyed by corporate interests.
Great beach, walks, national parks, good people.
Level of safety, lack of air and noise pollution, natural beauty
My husband, the fresh air, the birds and other wildlife tha wanders through the scenery, nature, the mountains and walking trails, not in a big city! Enough amenities but needs more for mental ill-health out patients and more spaces for youth.
Social connections
Natural resources
Unpolluted – open space – community engagement – natural environment (hard to find, but small patches somehow survive) – recreation opportunities – learning opportunities (e.g. U3A) –good services – contributing strongly to alternative energy
A great sense of community in the area I live in. A wonderful natural environment. Living away from metropolitan Melbourne.
Location - beautiful Western Vic; Weather is mostly ok; Good small communities; Pleasant towns eg. Port Fairy.
It is beautiful countryside. I like the community and l like the change of seasons, weather wise. We have lovely coastal towns plus big enough towns that provide all the services we need.
Coastal, country, smaller population, all necessary amenities, employment
Mostly cooler and greener than many locations in the state. Good range of facilities and services in Warrnambool, including visiting medical specialists, for example. A fairly inclusive community.
People, weather, safety, my social group. Good access to large hospital with many facilities.
Environment, climate, space
Natural environment, community, education and health services
Warrnambool is a great size city to live in and raise children. There's so many lovely places to visit around the area. Our area is fortunate to have not been exposed to the magnitude of natural disasters like many other places in the world. There are a lot of caring and supportive people living in our community.
The natural environment and strong inclusive communities
Beautiful natural features, great communities
Strong communities, space, nature, beaches, healthy, people with similar values, and strong concern for environmental protection and support for important causes for people, animals and nature.
Proximity to nature, and our natural surroundings. Some of the most beautiful beaches and waterways. Access to bushwalking. Local amenities; parks, playgrounds, and walking trails. Slower pace of life.
Love that we're regional for our kids to grow up knowing how farming works, feel safe and have space to grow
Space and fresh air.
Proximity to coast and bush, excellent health services (in Lorne and Geelong). And less than 2 hours from family in Melbourne.
Low crime rate, clean air
Great community
Great schools where staff care about students
The beach, access to nature, less hectic pace than Naarm/Melbourne, friendly faces, lots of child-focused spaces and activities.
Reliable rainfall.. Proximity to coast. Warrnambool is a lovely centre.
the seasons.
I appreciate the fact that as a farmer, I am able to farm in possibly one of Australia's most productive and fertile regions and where the rainfall and climate are reasonably consistent.
Natural assets
Good healthcare facilities
Good community/volunteerism
Arts and cultural assets
The beach
Not living in the city. Great location to rural, large towns & beach while having the peace of a small town
We have amazing natural environment and resources right at our doorstep, clean air and water.

What would your ideal community look like?

- housing should be affordable for everyone
- better public transport
- housing / rehab services for alcohol and drug addiction
- state schools should be funded at appropriate levels, it is disgraceful to see that private schools get great resources and yet some public schools appear almost derelict. OK for parents to choose to go to public schools but why is government funding going to private schools
- difficult when local public school has issues such as lack of toilet facilities, poor student behaviour
- would be good to have more value placed on culture – theatre, arts, gallery
- would like more bushland – there has been too much land clearing, we need to have more revegetation
- better health services, especially for mental health
- need greater variety of job options locally
- in Hamilton there has been a trend for “drive in drive out” employment – some people commuting to the region for work but don’t actually live locally. Would like to see more of the employment be local residents. Many services are contracted out to contracted out to service providers outside the region.
- more encouragement for people to reduce energy use (fossil fuel related) – incentives to change from gas to electric appliances, electric vehicles
- better design of houses – correct orientation for energy efficiency
- more regenerative agriculture
- better design of housing estates – more trees, footpaths, 
- need to see the smaller towns and townships supported – reverse population decline in places like Coleraine which has just lost their only doctor. Can now have more remote working which may allow this to be possible. Having public transport from these towns to regional hubs. Have good access to telehealth, but older people need to be supported with computer use, and need better internet access.
Welcoming, energizing, and vibrant, open, 
Less siloing of newcomers (e.g., Midfields international staff) 
More culturally diverse and safe communities 
Accessible, more frequent public transport, trains, and buses, 
Fast train to Melbourne 
Better transport linkages to outlying towns. 
Good public lighting 
Accessible, affordable health care, 
Social housing and more affordable private housing
Environmentally sustainable housing 
Decent urban planning
No horse or dog racing
Greener: more wetlands, indigenous plants, and more trees, not lopped as soon as they reach eave height
Outlook WRAD residential rehab service 
Flexible schooling options
Tax Air BNB
More options for kids with learning difficulties, autism, ADHD, etc. and gifted.
More local solar industry not gas 
Retrain all timber and coal and workers who are disadvantaged by sustainable energy.
More egalitarian and less old boys club, etc. Rotary, less nepotism, more fairness 
More equality in the workplace
People treated with dignity. 
Subsidize remote students’ allowance. 
Support country kids at city universities
Decent NBN and internet services
Free accessible universal childcare
More awareness and action on environmental
No animal exploitation
More long-term vision in leadership
It’s complicated as at this time I study away from Wannon and have come quite accustomed to a more urban life. That said after all my years in Wannon my ideal community would be more progressive and look similar to now but I would like long term some of the regional conservative attitudes to wane and I’d like to see the community move towards a more modern environment, greater emphasis on community green space and using alternate forms of transit. Wannon and Warrnambool especially feel stuck in the version of Australia 15 years ago, there is not much culture: it’s more meat and 3 veg than even other regional centres, it's hard to put into words but there’s a lack of vision in this area. Ideally, I’d like a Wannon 2030 kinda vision with a plan to create more green space and more parks and developing our natural areas to bring more tourism and frankly all the nice lovely small goods they are doing in Timboon I’d like to see done all throughout Wannon and I’d like it to feel more in Wannon more Daylesford or Bright than what it is now. 
More balance between sport and other stuff for young people to do to.
Being let down by Centrelink and NDIS, muddle through by selves, find support for son independently.  
More mental health support for young people from government departments, so they don’t slip through the cracks.
Shame is holding people back from seeking help/support – leads to high rate of suicide.  Need cultural and attitudinal diversity within the community.  Leadership that looks diverse that can encourage people to talk and support.
Open questions rather than closed questions – communication that is open within the community.
Leadership that can direct people to help without judgement.
Not welcomed into dialogue with leadership, 
Funding more equal.  System rewards marginal electorates.  Should be needs driven.
Fair funding. 
Distributed not politically, but fairly.
Senior minister in the government, but still not fighting for our needs in cabinet.
State and fed reps embarrassing at panels – ‘gas is good’ Roma Britnell. Need reps that show intelligence.
Emails to Dan, and turning up at his office, get no interest.
I’d like a community based on mutual respect, which isn’t adversarial, 
I’d like a society where we’re able to disagree on issues civically.
I’d like to see a multiplicity of views. We’re missing that, and I think it was better in the past.
I’d like a community that is more accepting that people have differing ideas.
I’d like it too ideally be inclusive respectful and honest.
I’d like a community that actively looked after its future, its kids, including skills for kids, addressing climate change and providing proactively for older people, 
I’d like it to be more participatory, more open and have inclusive decision-making, 
I’d like community conversations and would like to bring 200 people together, not just political parties, to govern for the future, 
We’re stuck in mindset that it’s always about growth, and we don’t know how to look after each other. 
I’d like it that we weren’t just interested in profit but looking out for each other.
I’d like people to feel they have power and identity, and agency. 
I’m feeling like the majority of people have bought into a vison of where we want to be and where we want to go.
Any community needs to have effective decision making, bottom up, not top down, led by the people. An example is the hands-off Cannon Hill campaign, and so many people got involved, 
I’d like to see governing for everyone, including the most powerless and vulnerable,
not just an agenda led by politicians or leaders. 
Lots of volunteer options
Less racism. Portland’s really racist.
More diversity at school or in their community.
Lots of educational options
Great public transport
Less potholes. 
Better weather.
A better sense of community. Volunteering at hospital, cleanup of rubbish. My sister tried volunteering at the library but they didn’t get back to her.
The op shops aren’t open after school to help volunteer or drop things off.
Although it’s a good community it takes a while to get included in the community.
I think that we put too much importance on exams. Lots of people may be intelligent but not be able to deal with exams. Not a lot of support for people if they have a mental health issue.
We need to be more inclusive to help people struggling with exams. In the workplace you don’t have to write 3 essays in 3 hours.
Our high school needs to do more to address mental health issues.
In my community a general store or something would be good.
The roads around here are really terrible.
Disability access isn’t really very good in old buildings including in some of our old school buildings.
Should be doing more food drives. We have a massive area of low income areas in Portland. Lots of kids come to school who are malnourished. These issues are not seen as much as they should be. Needs to be more training of teachers aids to deal with this. Teachers need to pay for their own training on these issues. Portland is like a secluded bubble and no one really cares about it.
We have quite accessible sports facilities. 
To get a bus into Warrnambool is really difficult. The earlier you can get home from Warrnambool on a bus is like 10pm departure from Warrnambool.
At Narrawong we are very close to Budj Bim and we try to stay connected with First Nationals people 
Portland is doing what we can on the environment. The smelter employs a lot of people. This needs to keep operating to keep people employed.
There is like no buses in the Woodford area.
There are about 3 buses circulating around Portland. 
Would like more after school opportunities. For example more courses at Deakin Warrnambool. Similar to Melbourne Unis. A long way to commute to Deakin at Geelong from Portland. Lots of people who want to get an education need to leave their homes and their communities to get a decent education and job.
Need a class at school that teaches you about basic life skills like taxes, cooking, sewing buttons and being elected, about our political parties. Like once a fortnight. 
Connected with neighbours and multiple connections with people. 
More inclusivity and access to opportunities, as currently there is too much social divide, e.g., housing affordability. And difficulties in renting and housing impacts on all areas of health and wellbeing for all of us.
Generally safe community.
Less homogeneity and more diversity and tolerance towards Indigenous community and Rainbow community.
Truthful media and political advertising.
More accountability from media. 
Clear campaigns.
Tolerance to differing views.
Greater recognition of local Aboriginal communities and the appalling way they are/were treated. Treaty with local people and truth telling. 
More celebration of their culture and introducing Indigenous language to preschools.
Build bridges with local Indigenous people.
It would not have entrenched disparities in wealth, educational opportunity or health outcomes
Long term residents should be welcoming and inclusive to new arrivals
It should embrace opportunities for economic development and new industries while not destroying the good things about living in regional Australia
It should provide the lifestyle opportunities of living in regional Australia while also leveraging its relative proximity to a world-class city like Melbourne through excellent transport options including improved access to public transport
It should have a diversity of quality housing options rather than just three- and four-bedroom family homes so as to make it easier to attract and retain employees in their mid-20s to mid-30s
It would offer a diverse range of sporting and cultural activities (example given of an individual attending the footy and an art gallery on the same day)
It would acknowledge the colonial history 
Every second shop is empty. Warrnambool is dying.
Like money to build the facility here. We are a registered charity, the Shauna Clarke Foundation with ROCO (Register of cultural organizations) and hopefully the money will be available to build it will come soon. It will be developed to create alternatives to gaol and institutions. Once you gaol a person in their society it destroys their society. It will get our people living a better lifestyle. Shara Clarke Restorative Justine Centre within the Shara Clarke Culture and Educative Centre.
Replacing restorative justice for gaol. Helped by Koorie court. Need to continue change. Prime Minister and Cabinet has asked for submissions on restorative justice and we have applied for this. Going to select 3 organizations to run it.
If you’re out of trouble for 5 years. Your record of criminal convictions gets wiped. So can get a licence etc.
With this restorative justice movement, what will happen . Lots of money spent on goal and courts. Alot of this money can be spent on the Shara concept. A lot of this is already happening in Minneapolis. 
Corrections is a failure. No one is going to do an 18 month corrections order. If it’s not completed it often disappears. Gets brought back to courts and we might try something else. Crime prevention is a better use of money.
I saw a show on TV that once out of gaol people are often homeless so they think that it is better to have a home in gaol than to be out of it. Society is broken as not adequate support for people to live happily and helpfully when they are out of goal.
Fabien Dattner identified this problem so sought to identify businesses where they would give people a job after goal so gave them a purpose, a job and accommodation. Lots of people go back to gaol as have no money, no housing.
Better and more regular train system.
Being in country rather than within four walls.
Dr Peter Coots an archeologist my brother worked with him. He had an office in Collins Street. He visited Condor in Heywood and saw the eel traps. No one has ever come here to Framlingham. We also had stone houses up in the forest. We need an archeologist to come and study here at Framlingham. Quite a few archeologists has expressed interest in coming down and documenting the. We have to encourage archeologists to come down and map it.
I remember as a boy my uncle used to come along river from the bridge, spearing ells. One day he speared a snake in the water. 6 feet 3 inches red bellied black snake. It was lying in the river and it reared its head up when he was talking to us.
The airport at Warrnambool has to be opened to facilitate an increase in tourism. Extend the Great Ocean Road.
Koroit - amazing community spirit. People are engaged. Lots of new people. Connectedness, sharing of abundance. Not too big, not too small.
People talk to each other - more time to be friendly, not so rushed
Diversity of people, religion and gender
Bigger and broader industry - abattoir isn’t good enough
Making it so young people want to stay
Food trail - Growing different foods for more diverse communities. 
Thriving university and higher ed system 
Programs to support vulnerable people - young parents programs etc.
Shared resources
Opportunity for young people 
Readily available services - housing, doctors, dentists etc.
One that looks after its people and environment. This includes supported housing, job security, access to good healthcare and education. Not just looking after the natural environment but employing sustainable farming practices, good planning for future infrastructure and safety for all to enjoy.
That young people will have opportunities here
The projections are dire around numbers of youth, birth rates, retention rates of youth.  We need to address this.
We are valued as the heartland rather than an outer region and our value is recognised by the country
People would know and want to work here
More multicultural/diversity
Innovation industries in the area/value adding to agriculture/value adding to forestry
Research facilities reinvigorated
Strengthen our tertiary educational options 
Better public transport to and from regional hubs and city
Affordable and sustainable growth
Less inequality: even out social capital, wealth, access, lift the bottom, education
Strong Civil/social/volunteer base – community that acknowledges their responsibility within a community
Access to freight issues/better distribution lines e.g. things go from here to Melbourne. 
Welcoming community – sometimes it is hard to meet people here. We need places to facilitate connection.
Adult facilities to make connections
Amazing local produce for locals to access/green grocer
Open to new ideas and habits and people. Open looking mentality.
Buddy system for new residents
Habitual ways to connect people together 
Investment in music and art – e.g. busking budget – encourage young people and creatives to stay and work.
High opinion of public education
Objective and optimistic and positive local media
Artistic and creative support.
Access for young people to the environment (Grampians)
I really value diversity and wish that there was more diversity in our area – different racial and cultural backgrounds bring a broader range of perspectives. 
Would like better takeaway food options
It can be hard to find “my people” as they are more thinly scattered in our area. Having an intellectual life is very important and there are not so many opportunities for that
Would like people to value the environment and education more highly than they do
Frustrating that the lake gets blue green algal blooms
I agree that diversity is important
There are people in the community that do not have a pathway to permanent residency who are doing valuable work, but they are looking to leave as they need the opportunity to settle here permanently
There are some pockets of racism, and the “squattocracy” attitude, there is some ignorance and bigotry. My ideal community would not have this problem.
The social activity in our town is narrowly focussed – football, netball, not a broad range of activities
It would be great if we had a member of parliament that would promote more diversity and encourage better public transport. We need reliable public road transport so that we don’t have to rely on cars
There are great options for music and theatre but only a small group of people are involved in these things
People from other cultures bring so much more to our community. We have been very white anglo in Wannon, although this is gradually changing. 
Changing people’s beliefs about “other” people (other races, LGBTIQ+) was hard a number of years ago – increasing diversity helps to reduce these barriers.
United in kindness
All housed and all employed
A diversity of views, guided by respect
Participation in local community-driven projects eg Anam Cara
Young people driving community initiatives that deliver real lasting outcomes
“If we all work together, we can achieve something good I hope that social cohesion doesn’t fray”
“There are so many different ways we can participate from individuals helping their neighbours to bigger projects”
Pride in community
Access to amenities
A fair society where no people are missing out
Like to see concentration on social services. Education, health, transport systems etc
The funds collected in tax should be focused on people rather than businesses
The ability to talk openly with everybody, without people feeling threatened and helpless
Off-grid community
People find it difficult to want change. We need ‘lighthouses’ to lead/sell the change
No misinformation and fake news
Being able to have open conversations without anger and division
Disconnect Sky News
No hostility during election campaigns
Opportunities for the voices of people to be heard
More independents on councils and in governments
More of us on the same page. 
Compassion and kindness. 
Reliable and trustworthy sources of information. Like to find away to break the bloc of resistance using compassion and kindness. 
Acknowledgement of the First Nations history and place. Reinforce history and sense of place to guide a healthy environment. 
Focus on people and a sense of equality. 
Needs of people before those of the economy. 
Strategic voting with compassion and kindness. 
Everyone comfortable enough with each other to share ideas and ideals. Not fearful, nor threatened.
People feeling safe to express ideas
Openness and safety encourages
Collective support, working together all getting along
People feeling they have power
Bush camps full of men working, farming and building infrastructure while women run the country
It is good to see more diversity in recent times, having more diversity is more enriching
There are groups supporting local indigenous people, refugees, etc. Having more diversity is great.
The town needs to be more walkable and able to bicycle around. The local council is doing some work in this area but there is not much buy in from State or Federal governments
All subdivisions need to have footpaths built in as a requirement
There are not enough rental properties available. For example, a group of PhD students have been looking for rentals for 7 months without being able to find something affordable. It seems that the increase in investment properties for AirBnBs takes away from long term rentals
There is a big divide between the haves and the have nots. We need to be more inclusive. The older generations need to look out for the younger people better. The younger people cannot get into the housing market.
Would be good if the roads didn’t all have potholes. 
My ideal community would be more diverse, greener, better at planning – both short term and long term. Eg: the conflict between pedestrians and car parking on Leibig St. 
New housing developments should not be allowed in the flood plain
I would like to see decision makers stand by their decisions – eg: councils – instead of having compromises
Have all facilities able to be accessed by all (including people with a disability)
Environmental protection needs to be better
Everyone needs to have a roof over their head – something that is dignified and suits the people’s needs. Landlords do not look after their properties well enough.
My ideal community would have local councils and state governments that have a long term vision, and take responsibility for getting things done, instead of passing the buck. Eg: having rules around AirBnB
It needs to have better public transport. The trains are often late / cancelled / turn into a bus which means that not everyone can get on, especially if you have a disability.
We need to have better resourced services: ambulance, police etc
My ideal community would have resources provided based on equity, not just equality – not every area needs the same as in regional areas we have different needs, within reason.
I would like the serious element of conservatism that exists in Wannon to no longer remain. I’d like the Wannon electorate to shift away from this – bigotry, intolerance, lack of imagination and lack of interest in education.
We need more forward thinking people.  Eg, a location of an electric car charging station in Hamilton was opposed by the RSL. Around Hamilton there are strong layers of privilege.
Would like our politicians and political system to promote less purposeful disinformation and lies. This is really concerning to me.
People need to be called to account. I purposefully watch Sky news and read the Herald Sun to see the absolute purposeful misinformation that takes place in these forums day and night. Two of my brothers watch Sky all day and I can’t talk politics to them. They have been fed so much misinformation for example on climate change.
I’d love to see a community more engaged in big issues and national and international issues and events of significance. And I’d like people to consider what they can do to help.
Where truth is spoken and mistruth is called out.
Inclusivity and diversity. I’d like to see more people from diverse ethnic backgrounds in our community. This makes a more rounded and grounded community. It just becomes a natural thing. It’s lovely to see in Warrnambool. Diversity is increasing.
We had two foreigners in the 70’s in Port Fairy. One was Italian and the other Scottish.
Age profile is very important. The kids go off the Uni and don’t return to the country. The ones who do return seem to love it. We need those younger cohorts in communities to keep them thriving. If you look at football teams, you can tell that we need more young people by how their catchment is growing as they need to do that to attract players.
There is no less students at our local schools, but they aren’t growing. 
The parents of families at schools can’t afford to volunteer as they need to work to afford to live and pay for housing.
That demographic is changing due to COVID as people can work from home. EG my son who lives in Port Fairy with his family and works in his office Canberra from their home. Schools are getting smaller and grades are smaller. Demographics are changing. I know people who have sold their house in Port Fairy and moved to Koroit as its less expensive and can sell their house and move mortgage free. They have good schools and it is closer to Warrnambool.
Security. I don’t go to bed thinking that I might be robbed.
Accessibility. It’s fast to get to the pool or the golf course or the bank. People have access through gophers. It gives them a new lease of life. Having lived in Melbourne and Warrnambool and lived in Horsham and now Port Fairy. Our son has settled here. Hard to quantify accessibility and security.
An example of the type of community that we have in Port Fairy is a while ago a Girl was walking home from school and a Mother was driving past and noticed a man was following the girl. The Mother reported the man and the police were successful in apprehending the man that they were after for some time.
I just broke my foot and was stuck at home. I had 4-5 people popping in every day. Everything was accessible from my home. IGA delivers free every day. The pizza man asked if he could do anything for me. I can see that as we age the community of Port Fairy kicks in.
One where people give a damn about one another.  One that is welcoming.  One that is inclusive.  One that encourages participation.  One that does not ruin the natural environment for commercial gain.  One that embraces and encourages joy and happiness.

Working together for better outcomes for our future generations. 
I was very disappointed with the blanket negative attitude in this area during voting for the referendum. The Federal government didn’t engage enough with local indigenous groups on planning how to approach the referendum. It was too rushed. The 1967 referendum was bi-partisan and the message was about including aboriginal and torres straight islander people.
There are too many people that are not educated on the issues, the mainstream media did not do enough to address this. Too many people believed the scare campaigns around land ownership.
There needs to be a Royal Commission (or an investigation by the national anticorruption commission) into the Murdoch media. Both major parties kowtow to the Murdoch media. 
Murdoch and the ABC are like Superman and kryptonite. 
During the pandemic there were companies that got a lot of government money (eg: Harvey Norman) – a lot of this money ended up in advertising spending in the mainstream media. 
There needs to be more support for the ABC to ensure that people are well educated on the issues, so that they can see through biased reporting.
Since the referendum there has been some moves in other states to undermine the treaty process, we need to be careful of this in Victoria. The Treaty process in Victoria was bi-partisan but now the LNP opposition does not support it any more. There is a risk to treaty if the government changed.
An environment where you are supported to grow and connect
Green spaces
To vote in the interest of the community / electorate
There are ideal expectations of our representative and we want a fact based approach, not to vote along party lines
To be heard and not tokenistic listening
Strong tertiary education
Strength of community is generational irish families, can be a barrier and drive racism
“Genuine inclusion”
Open to change
Narrow understanding of critical issues – eg. Social housing, , needs action.  “Have not attracted the social housing we should have’
Social supports for trauma, etc. so they can become good renters.
Small towns contracting, no services
Stigma around social housing, 
Active undercurrent around “deserving poor” and ‘undeserving poor”
More environmental awareness, increased awareness of community water resources, better public transport system, e.g. trains, buses, trucks off the road, less income disparity and less social economic inequality, a place where small family farms could afford to continue to operate, without supermarkets adding to small farmers’ difficulties.
Affordable housing and rents, fewer people with multiple houses, fairer housing, and home ownership. 
Needs more community hubs and networks, social supports for mental health, more local tradesmen, preferably driven organically by the community. 
Awareness of how lucky we actually are. 
More awareness of environmental issues: hate it when farmers remove trees, 
Increased understanding that broad scale farming is not suitable everywhere in this region, so farming practices need to be more appropriate to our local regional environment. 
Infrastructure to support renters, like in Europe, so they can have security as renters. 
Action on the cost-of-living crisis and action on the current supermarket monopolies Support for farmers. 
Increased awareness that we are all benefit from Aboriginal land. 
Truth in politics, more truth in political advertising, less lies, disinformation and misinformation.
More action on training and education, especially vocational and trade training, perhaps back to the old technical schools. Increased respect for education, schools, and teachers, and better pay for teachers. 
It would be attractive for new businesses
Young families would choose to move here
“Soldier settlement was a boom time for Coleraine”
It would have good public transport connections, “there is no means of reaching Cavendish or Balmoral via public transport”. This is especially limiting for young people.
Be able to attract professionals such as teachers and healthcare workers
Have infrastructure to a national standard
Would have Local, State and Federal governments working together 
Have engagement in politics and hold the local member accountable for their performance representing the electorate
Business owner: A bigger Wbl, maybe another ten thousand people, more options, would attract better business operators, maybe more intensive low-rise housing, like in Europe, but not by chopping up good agricultural land, increase the catchment area, 
But currently , smaller townships are losing out as they lose population. In contrast, in other countries, the smaller towns are decentralised and thriving, the local boulangerie, baker. Could this be encouraged here too?
Encourage incentives to grow and sell quality produce and food, including sea food locally. You can’t buy local fish because of centralisation of the markets. Most local fish, including crayfish, sold to China. This impacts on our credibility with tourists, you can’t buy fresh off the boat anymore as you used to be able to do. 
Better food security, diversity and local produce being available. Less big supermarket duopoly.
Small family-owned farms are being swallowed up and need protection.
Boycott Bunnings and go to Pontings, the local firm.
Improve internet speed and connectivity, in places outside Wbl, like Port Campbell and even just outside of Wbl. There are still internet black spots. Pavilion is still on a satellite dish, from Koroit, isn’t cable connectivity, NBN is coming, but when?
Transport, roads and trains need to be improved. Roads are crap, roads in South Australia are so much better than rural Victoria. Increased rail speed would be good. Fast train network would be awesome. 
Childcare needs to be improved, e.g. recent childcare closure in Timboon, because staff have nowhere to live, and get paid such low pay rates.
We need to stop the leakage of young people to bigger cities, some come back but more stay in big cities. 
Housing needs to be affordable and available as it stops people coming back, including health professionals, teachers, and skilled professionals. 
Air BnB’s could be a problem, in a beautiful holiday coastal destination.
A better, bigger university here would be really helpful to the town, students who’d want to stay, and go to nightclubs, and cafes. So many students are now online, and don’t even live here. This is not good for Wbl as a town. A bigger more dynamic Deakin University would help with less online courses or more of a choice between online and face to face courses.
Apollo Bay represents the ideal, but it does not represent the electorate
Proactive, grass roots movement, that pushes the government
Younger demographic
More coherent conversations across the nation
Not polarised and tribal
Apollo Bay needs more housing availability, businesses, and workers
A community that can retain its younger generations
Kind to each other and talking to each other
Inclusive of low-income families
Broader economic base, not just tourism
Where everyone knows everyone
Low energy, smaller housing, simpler living
Less greed
A community that cares for our young families
Supporting each other regardless of view - people need each other
Accepting of people’s differences
Respect, support
A sense of fairness, forbearance, widened to the general community
Inclusive, moral, safe and fair
A culturally diverse population which provides different faces
What would your ideal community be like - I don't know exactly, but Dan Tehan wouldn't be included in it.
Inclusive, with more local events, less red tape. Everything we do has so much compliance (safety is still priority)
Environmentally friendly without all the windfarms
Environmentally sustainable
Woke! But seriously, it would be caring, respectful, considerate, inclusive, progressive, and environmentally responsible.
An Environmentally sustainable town/city that is accessible, community spirited, friendly, balances social and economic goals, doesn’t leave people behind and is surrounded by an environmentally sustainable rural area that includes conserved and constantly improving natural ecosystems.
Engage community without political point scoring and interference.
It would be ideal to have upgraded maintained safe roads, which we have not had for at least 20 years!
There would be lots of local groups supporting and interacting with each other. There would be good public transport, good stable medical facilities, a variety of groups that reach out to others and support each other, it would have a rich and vibrant community spirit.
A socially and environmentally aware community
A more equal society economically where our tax and investment laws don’t disproportionately favour the already asset rich who have benefited from the dispossession of lands during colonisation. A region with more reliable public transport, more mental health services and treatment options for those with alcohol and other drug addictions. A more
proactive community in regards to exploring housing options for all, especially renters and the long term unemployed and those on the disability support pension. A priority to protect our precious environment.
Strong community connections with equity of access to services for everybody. Support for and celebration for people of all races and gender / sexuality. Plenty of good coffee! :-)
A place where....
-wealth is more evenly shared
-good education is available to everyone - govt money given to public schools, not private
-minimal plastic use, recycling everything possible, minimal land fill waste, etc to combat rising temperatures
- inclusive and welcoming to all, including refugees
Good services, good education, good healthcare. Good fresh produce available. Kind hearted, friendly, generous people. Scientifically rational people . Good parks and places to walk. Lots of trees and natural vegetation. Near the sea. Good shops. Facilities for young people. Affordable housing. Accepting of all people.
All services freely available to all citizens regardless of income.
This would be a friendly community that respects those who live here.
better transparency especially during election advertising/ better control of social media so that misinformation reduced/ much better equality
Controlled development, sensitive to environments, progressive
It would have better roads not merely signs saying Rough Surface. It would have more community resources generally and especially more and better access to bulk billing and other health services.
Accepting community with diverse peoples. Sufficient job prospects to retain youngerpopulation in meaningful works. Focused on sustainability re energy/waste/jobs.
A community that prioritises social justice, provides adequate housing for all, promotes cultural diversity and recognition of First Nations people. A community that does its utmost to address climate change, protects biodiversity, bans glyphosates, stops seismic exploration in the ocean and works together to share tools and equipment to manage the local environment.
Sharing, caring
A progressive empathetic community
For council and other decision makers to have a more progressive outlook for development of the region- too much power and influence in too few hands
Environmentally passionate
Justice driven
Like it is but with better publicly funded healthcare and education.
more welcoming & inclusive of a greater variety of cultures & social demographics.
A suport and delivery for access to an efficient public transport.
A reformed and funded local Governm,ent. Better acces for preschool and child minding.
Reform of the strained volonteer organisations. CFA, SES, Ambulance.
Better access to the district for tourism, business ie Road, rail and buses.
Much as Portland is today
Caring for each other and welcoming to new people. Health options and high valued education
More free festivals to help the local traders and give local musicians a voice
A free, equal, and diverse society where everyone can live a comfortable and enjoyable life.
That the community would be richly diverse and multicultural.
That events like the Ag shows which enable us to connect with people and contribute, were bigger, better, more frequent.
That there would be a great focus on the diversity of food (hospitality) on offer and that there would be a stronger focus on locally produced product at markets and shops so we can support local producers with our spend.
That we have reasonable access to GP's in particular. (currently a 6 week wait in Camperdown)
That public infrastructure is properly maintained and tended (eg. roads and tree plantations)
That town planning would prevent the "5- acre- block- farm- subdivision" sprawl
Everyone respects everyone else.can have own opinion without being judged.if everyone minded their own business instead of everyone else's business. Great neighbours, like we have were we live atm.....we are a phone call away if anyone needs help. & Visa versa, but don't live in each other's pocket & respect their opinions & way of life.
More environmentally focused, supportive of renewable energy, more open to change and willing to take evidence over rhetoric.
Friendly. Relaxed. Welcoming. Open. Respectful. Non-discriminatory. Caring. Tolerant.
One with people of compassion, where there was no racism (ref the No vote), where the history of this country was recognised and acknowledged, where the people respected the environment, one where there was no greed and where people are accepted for who they are, not what someone thinks they should be. A community where the future was positive and climate change was actively addressed. A community that was not vulnerable to the poisoning effects of negative, political opportunism as seen in media and social media. A community where violence against women was non existent and sexism and inequality was unaccepted instead of being mainstream.
Where there is education and understanding of how essential caring for nature is and where people act accordingly. Where we live within our planet’s resources, don’t waste anything and have a circular economy. Where we have equality, fairness, tolerance, integrity and peace.
small communtities supported by the good road connections and local services.
as above
Leader in renewable energy
Vibrant, modern and sustainably progressive.
Respectful of First Nations people and culture
Welcoming, open-minded, and tolerant of all.
My ideal community would not be as conservative (racist) as a large number of people living in Wannon. The referendum showed clearly the schisms within the community.
Caring, inclusive, egalitarian, focused on looking after the environment for the future,
Politically engaged, supportive , more diverse
One that offers a lot of different opportunities to it’s residents, including different sports, the arts and volunteering opportunities.
My ideal community would also have a diverse mix of people (age, gender, race, religion) and be welcoming to people from different backgrounds. My ideal community would look out for one another and support those who most need help- including helping people find homes, childcare and age care.
Safe. Support to all. Welcoming to visitors.
Accepting, engaged, better informed. More prosperous.
Increased empowerment for Deakin University and TAFE as Higher Education hub, with focus on regional applications: e.g. First Nations Studies, Alternative Energy Research & Application, Celtic Studies, Marine and Freshwater Aquatic Studies, Volcanic Geology, The Arts, etc.
Good roads. Community engagement. Environmental care.
Warrnambool is a great community though there is evidence of some unhealthy class stratification. Some centred around relative wealth but much is centred around the two major political party's local apparatchiks. I
Safety, better roads, more shops, more disabled parks, more cultural activities. More for teenagers to do, more for families to do. More disabled Car parking, better access to the beach for disabled, more housing, affordability of housing, groceries, fuel. Better public bus system, upgraded trains with access for disabled. Rehab facility for drugs alcohol and mental health!
I would like to see more equity of services into the Community. I’m well off so can easily afford to live and travel. However this isn’t the case for many people who are struggling financially, with their mental health or with family violence, employment etc. Government at State and Federal are really only focused on winning the next election so that means focusing on what city people want. Party politics do not serve our community well. About the only time we see our local government representatives is when they can get their photo on the front page.
Based on a healthy environment
Inclusive and representative of all backgrounds.
Supportive of those in need
Supportive of innovation
Health and human services accessible to everyone.
One where everyone cared about the environment, walking and green/bush spaced, animals were respected and cared for, services for those who need them
Racially diverse population, further opportunities for education, employment and affordable housing.
Many people are very conservative in their views, not open to new ideas or people who are different.
eg Moyne Shire has only 1 female councillor
A community that would be able to make decisions that are beneficial to the community. We have no voice about what happens in our community because of legislative and funding structures so my ideal community would be heard and be a part of the decision making. An ideal community would be cooperative and future focused to ensure best sustainable outcomes
More native trees and wildlife corridors.
Solar passive housing built with recycled and sustainable materials.
Community batteries.
Verge Gardens, more communal Gardens.
Well designed high density communities like Nightingale projects.
I have not given this any thought.
Trusted, kind, sharing, looking out for each other, sense if community for all.
An inclusive community of all diversity, with access to quality education and health services. Someone who is engaged with the community and has interest in community & individual issues.
Hard working for the greater good, connected.
One that lives by the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth rather than the mantra’s of religious zealots.
Friendly and welcoming of all people. Don't really like that alot of overseas worker's are on restricted visa, just a form of slavery in my opinion.
It would not focus solely on human members but include every plant, animal, fungi, body of water, sky, soil ... No human community can exist without this.
Engaged, supportive
Diverse, multicultural, equitable services for all
Lower cost of living
Better roads and infrastructure
Egalitarian – caring social services – green* sensibilities – opportunities for the young – less car-dependent – welcoming to refugees and the downtrodden –
[green* in environmentally committed, not – necessarily – Green political party]
People from all walks of life wanting to make the world a better place.
Small, rural but with access to essential services - bank, library, hospital or good medical clinic, supermarket, sporting facilities. Access to reliable and frequent public transport. Good schools with excellent facilities and committed staff. Active groups - art/music, environmental etc. Easy access to the beach or fresh water (river or lake) and native bushland for relaxation and recreation.
One that welcomes strangers, looks after its residents and the environment.
Able to discuss politics openly and respectfully. Where people are engaged and focussed on the common good.
Working together for a main goal, more sustainable with respect to energy and locally produced and consumed products, affordable housing,
Reliable, more modern train service. Better representation and recognition from the Federal govt - being a safe seat doesn't pay for this community. Roads an obvious issue.
Harmonious. Aadequate social housing & health care for all.
Better roads.
Mix of ages, ethnic backgrounds, skills in a town that has excellent government facilities (or access to them i.e. remotely), with a variety of recreational activities, a variety of businesses and social gathering spaces available in a society that is as equitable as possible.
A vibrant community that cares for each other, the environment and the future
More safe, affordable and fun spaces for people to meet that promote connection and inclusivity. Every area in Warrnambool should have a community hub, drop in type center, a friendly and supportive place to meet others and offer activities for learning and wellbeing. When people feel that they are part of something they do better. When people have something to look forward to they do better. Fun, laughter and learning promote wellbeing and everybody should have the right to this. Community hubs enable this. We need to better care for our waterways and the environment by conserving what we have and expanding on this. More community gardens to bring people together and learn how to grow your own food. Free fitness areas [like we used to have near toilets on Pertobe Road] around the city to promote regular exercise. Also free tennis courts and other sporting facilities to also promote exercise as we know how beneficial this is to our wellbeing. The promotion of healthy eating by having more plant based options, such as cafes and restaurants. Not only is this better for our bodies but also our environment and of course the animals.
Environmental focused, supportive and inclusive across all people especially the disadvantaged or marginalised.
High levels of participation in community events, volunteering, socialising, actively supporting each other
As above, but with the added benefits of...
- better leadership and management of many of our organisations - not-for-profits especially, WCC, etc.;
- proper education for children and teenagers with disabilities;
- significantly better inclusion for all people with disabilities in ALL areas of life, including school, sport, social activities, work opportunities and so on;
- less 'clickyness' in Warrnambool so that people can achieve their potential in work and leadership roles based on MERIT, rather than based on 'who they know'. The current seriously compromised situation in Warrnambool where a small group 'runs everything' and actively keeps others, who often have great skills, experience and creativity, out.
Inclusive. Respectful. Celebrates the local first nations community and culture.
An ideal community would provide more child care and parent support, promote a mentally healthy community and be inclusive.
One that supports vulnerable members of the community, has a well resourced health system and is environmentally responsible
Like that of Lorne and Aireys Inlet.
Engaging, welcoming, low crime rate, no homelessness or extreme poverty
More public transport
More affordable housing
Properly funded state schools
No homelessness
More diversity
A more left-leaning version of Warrnambool, with a better art gallery, no greyhound or horse racing, and more/safer bike lines.
Wouldn’t have to travel for specialist medical and dental treatment. More tertiary education available locally. Disadvantaged people provided with accessible services they need ie health mental health housing. More innovation in town planning and house design in response to climate action
interested, informed, and engaged in democracy (and protecting it) and the running of the country (at all levels)
caring and cohesive, looking out for the common good
One that is cohesive and fosters policies that benefit the greater good rather than individual needs or sectional interests.
We look after each other, especially those who need it.
We have access to good educational opportunity, good job prospects, people pitch in to help others, and people can reach their potential.
We'd have opportunity - whether that be through business, sport, creative pursuits, volunteerism, learning etc...
We have good leadership that includes longer term vision and inspires action.
Examples such as Sir Fletcher Jones embody my idea of the ideal community - working together for shared prosperity.
Kind and fun
Bypass of trucks so Beaufort still has tourists without the noise & pollution
Education more equal, faster and more frequent train to make visiting or working in Geelong or Melbourne accessible, more assistance from government to diversify our economy to create more opportunities in a broader range of industries.

What are your expectations of your local Federal member? 

- needs to listen to the local community more, instead of just listening to his political party
- the last election should have prompted him to listen more to locals, but he appears to have gone the other way
- he is well paid to represent us, so must actually attend parliament – Mr Tehan was not present when for example the Voice to Parliament legislation was introduced 
- they must make decisions in the best interests of Wannon and Australia
- Train line between Hamilton and Portland – goods line – must be prioritised, would also be good to have a passenger rail line. Even linking Portland and Ararat. Many years ago there was a train between Casterton and Portland.
- they should be local, live locally
- They should be working for the people in the electorate, not working for their financial donors
- there should be no political donations – however need to be careful if elections are completely publicly funded that this doesn’t benefit the established political parties. Any donations must be transparent.
Respecting of community, he/she represents
To be available and responsive 
Longer term planning not just to the next electoral cycle
Adequate funding for staff for local member offices, full time 
To advocate for the community rather than for his political masters 
Impartial, independent representation of this community
Scant adherence to the party line 
I expect them to balance a knowledge of the past and what made Australia and Wannon successful and desirable with striving to have policies to grow the economy via a medium size government focussed on prosperity while attending to issues of equality of education, health, and opportunities.
If I was to list my expectations based on the current issues that I believe this community faces; I would like to see action on: housing affordability (franking credit and negative gearing cessation); climate change and increased investment in renewable energies; education (elimination of federal and state funds to private schools; free tertiary education and reduced barriers to access).
Ability to express your views
Reference point : Helen Haines – letting people know what she voted for and why, who she’s been speaking with and why, purposeful engagement in the community not just photo ops
Informing the community how they vote and why
What they are working on 
Context for decision making explained clearly to constituents
Bridget Archer as example of not following party line, but justifies her position in media etc.
Communicating what they do eg. Pub test
He seems to disregard opposition views, his responses are all anodyne, and his questionnaires are poorly designed questions that skew the outcomes towards his views, 
Some people say that the local member has been very helpful in getting services.
He’s a good communicator to those in his electorate that agree with him, and he does listen.
He is not usually physically present. 
That he provides advocacy for the community, not just their party. 
That he represents the community and votes accordingly. 
That he is not influenced by vested interests and lobbying. 
An effective local member could acknowledge there are dissenting interests even if he can’t vote. 
Respectful integrity and ethics 
Code of ethics 
Repercussions for bad or unethical behaviour 
Where the local member is responsive to their local community (independents may help encourage that)  
He should be getting more input from young people.
His voting shows he is not representing Portland citizens – like funding for universities. How does he protect Narawong, Budj Bon. His answers mean nothing.
He should be doing more to improve roads.
Women’s health and sex education is very bad in Portland. There a lot of teen pregnancy in Portland. If you didn’t get this information at home you may have problems. Issues if people don’t know about their body and are in control of them.
I would like for the median age of all government representatives to be younger. Like to see more opportunities for people to move into the space. 
They don’t represent us very well due to their age and bias. 
When I was doing my work experience at the Council I didn’t see a single non white representative and poor ratio of females to males.
Provide unbiased information on the Referendum.
That our local member provides truthful and accurate information. Our local member did not do that, especially in the last referendum. 
Clearer understanding and education in the community about what a referendum is.
To agitate for better and fairer funding of government schools, and in particular for rural and regional schools.
To help city politicians understand the disadvantages that regional and rural communities face. E.g., article about geographical narcissism. Why its so much harder to arrange things in rural areas when dealing with Melbourne-centric politicians and public servants? 
Advocate for the needs of our community rather than their political party and its donors
Hold views based on evidence and be willing to change views in the face of new evidence
Should provide leadership at times
Be open and transparent about decision making including listening the views of the electorate, seeking expert advice, and explaining why they took a particular position
Have a longer-term view than just the current electoral cycle
Have a sound set of personal values to help guide their actions as a politician
Should be present and available, regular listening posts and consult with constituents
Should have good staff to help with constituent issues (group thought DT’s staff were good)
Should represent the actual views of the electorate (mention was made of DT’s mailed out electorate surveys that were asking about Liberal party-political issues only)
Shouldn’t abuse MP mailing allowances to send out deceptive or untruthful materials (specific reference made to No campaign material sent by DT and postal vote applications)
Should not think local people are dumb
Should represent local issues not party issues
Our State and Federal members need to be fully involved. They hold the power. They should support us. They don’t currently. We approached the State Government for an amenity block, they refused that.
Our Local Member needs to go into back far more for local issues. Local members holding a portfolio neglect their electorate. Would like a share of revenue to keep facilities open.
Dan Tehan has never been here to Framlingham. He was supposed to come late November early December 2023.
I wrote a strong letter saying due to his stance on the No vote I wanted nothing to do with him. He got in touch with me about this immediately.
Would like to have someone who listened. We posted all of Dan’s voting record and he blocked rather than engaging with us. Someone who is open to healthy debate. Someone that even if they don’t agree will engage with us. He almost thinks that we are adversaries, that he has blacklisted us even though we are constituents. He knows we aren’t going to vote for him so he blocks us. I feel like he knows who we are, so his office has no interest at all in engaging.
Malcome Fraser was an old fashioned politician. He came here many times. He engaged with us.
I promised that I would send him information on the Shara project and he said he was looking forward to receiving it and visiting Lenny at Framlingham.
The old fashioned politicians were very approachable. Malcolm Fraser came here many times. He used to ring Banjo to get advice on National and International matters. I have faith in this man coming to see us.
Me and my daughter (a cancer survivor) go to the Relay for Life. He’d come along plus the ex-premier to Deakin during laps around the oval. We’ve been photographed with Dan Teahan and the former Premier.
Action for our electorate 
Standing strong on values 
Short term, medium and long term projects - not wedded to electoral cycle
Address the too hard basket 
Support for essential services like having 2 police officers or ambos on shift at a time
Tax spent properly 
Basic minimum standards - not abusing or pushing past parliamentary staff
Not have to cringe when you hear them speak
Serve/represent everybody - all the diversity, not just the people who voted for them
Look after our environment 
One who listens first, represents a diverse range of views, welcomes feedback and is happily held accountable by its constituents.
Knowledge of the community
Be present – know the schools, businesses, hospitals – be there
Be evidence driven action and policy not, emotional pollical popularity driven
Where is Headspace? (funded during LNP government but not delivered)
Live locally and answer text messages.
Aware of actual real local specific issues rather than an idealistic Canberra centric view.
Be vulnerable rather than have all the answers – understand that a leader doesn’t have to have all the answers and they need to be open to new information
An improvement
Do their job – represent broad sections of the community, not just focus on the niche groups they feel comfortable with. 
Be willing to show interest and understand the different needs of the broad electorate.
Respond to emails
Don’t be selective
Have a strong moral compass 
Don’t bow to fear 
Lead rather than follow.
Have a vision
Their own job should not be their number one priority
Challenge the electorate’s ideas, be creative, think outside the square
Have a true sense of fairness, decency and compassion. 
The local MP should fight hard for us. The roads are appalling (eg up near Woorndoo). The regional areas seem to miss out on a lot compared to the city. 
There are too many mobile phone blackspots (Skipton, Port Campbell). We shouldn’t have to accept these
Dan Tehan is just the voice for the squattocracy
The regions do not get recognition for the amount that we contribute eg: dairy industry and agriculture
I expect a local representative to be intelligent and respectful at all times. I don’t want them to behave like an attack dog in parliament - they need to engage respectfully with the issues. The local MP should not just show up for photo opportunities but need to genuinely engage with the community. They need to be prepared to cross the floor – they need to remember that they are representing an electorate and they need to remember the values of their constituents.
The local member must have a long term view of what is best for the community, not just focus on keeping themselves in power.
They need to represent the needs of the people – eg: public transport, housing. We need to have a different view of economics, they need to think about things (such as public education, roads etc) being “investments” not “costs”. 
Both sides of politics just seem to be protecting the elites.
The local MP needs to be brave and stand up for our community.
The local MP should focus on the betterment of society and the environment, not just politics. They need to care about the environment. They need to value diversity. We do not get this from our local MP. They need to have ethics.
He/she has the responsibility to inform the electorate without misinformation or lies. The Voice demonstrated how our MP failed us
Actual knowledge of constituents and issues and demonstrate that they are listening
An avenue of information for grants
Should be interested in promoting the local community
Should explain to constituents why they vote for or against, explain why it matters to this electorate
Should ask constituents “What are the topics that affect you?” using technology to gather this information from the electorate
Listening, supporting
Living in the area
Integrity and honesty
Good communication skills, persuasive
Compassionate, nurturing of the community
Somone from outside of the ‘system’
More than one person as a local member, a committee, or representatives
Has the front to ‘work the room’ and to work an audience
Focus on local issues in each town
Local councils should be able to feed into local member
Have relationships with key people in communities
Not focused purely on votes. Not only engaged when ‘votes’ are available
Smart and compassionate
Must be over the national issues with vision, immigration, aged care, education, health etc. And how these issues are at play in the local areas.
Have good people around them
Survey the electorate regularly. Respond to feedback from community
Ethical behaviour
Someone who actually answers calls and responds to the community.
Dan Tehan and his staff have been very poor, Roma Britnell and staff have done a better job. No one that I know has had a positive experience from Dan Tehan. Roma has facilitated community input even though her views don’t necessarily align with the people’s views
The local member should help people when they need help. 
The MP should be able to think independently about the issues for themselves and make decisions, instead of just going with the party line. MPs should be able to have a conscience vote, instead of always voting along party lines.
As it is a democracy, they should at least listen to the people. The MP’s job is to represent us.
When they seek feedback from the community, it needs to be broad. The surveys that are sent out are very narrow and some of the wording is misleading. There needs to be more opportunity for people to have a genuine say.
The representative needs to focus on issues that are of importance to their electorate.
To be not negative, positive and to be truthful.
To listen to the constituents and local people and what they need and want.
To be focused on the electorate rather than the machinations and back door deals that go on in Canberra. Have had a positive experience in having Dan Tehan to intervene in an issue and it was rectified very rapidly. More a reflection on the bureaucracy than the politician. 
Integrity in our local member. Lack of this demonstrated by “if you don’t know vote no. “ on his The Voice publications.
Dan Tehan is a nice guy. I went to Uni with him, but he toes the party line.
To be empathetic.
To be brave enough to have a conversation with community groups. To avoid contact is playing chicken. Not your job mate.
They should represent his community. He put out a survey with very loaded questions. I wrote back saying that they are loaded questions and if you do a survey you should design the survey that will get a range of responses.
Representation of the people of the area you represent. Not aligning with the policies of the political party to which you belong.
It’s difficult to represent an area – particularly when there are such polarized views on topics such as immigration.
They need to be accessible and responsive. They need to be available to listen to your views even if they don’t believe in them.
Representation.  Pure and simple.  When I see the list of items that he has voted against, I am appalled. 
To paint a fair picture, I was taught by my parents to be a Coalition voter, and I dutifully followed what they taught me for the first ten years of my adult life.  I then realised that the Coalition represented very few of my own personal values.  However, do not take that to mean that I am a welded on Labor voter.  I think I’d have to suggest that I’m centre-left.  For years I’ve been a Greens voter, but their recent stance on some issues has me thinking that they too no longer stand for my values.  I don’t consider myself to be a rabid Coalition hater – but it’s very fair to say that I’ve been disgusted by how they conducted themselves in Government, and how they continue to conduct themselves in opposition. 
Our local Federal member has been elected to represent us.  Their party (and I know this is a naïve and puritan statement) should not come into it.  Whilst it is impossible to represent everyone’s views when you have a single vote in the parliament, it’s fair for me to say that the Member for Wannon does not represent us in any meaningful way.  The fact that he moved here just to ‘localise’ himself for the purpose of gaining political power is just another example of parachuting of candidates into electorates – it’s not representation at all. 
Someone that is engaged across the whole electorate. They don’t have to do all the work themselves, they could have offices in different areas to do the engagement in those communities. For example, in Indi the MP has established and maintained relationships with different communities right across the electorate. 
The MP needs to be a listener. Needs to be a person that takes action. They need to represent the people, not just the political party. 
Don’t have an MP who is a minister, as they are too busy.
They need to focus on local issues over personal career ambitions. Our MP has just been trying to progress his career.
We have to make sure that any independent candidate is there to represent us, not just attack other political parties.
Wind power and renewables are going to be important in our electorate, and our MP has voted strongly against increasing investment in renewable energy.
I have stopped calling and writing letters to the local MP as they never give a proper response. Dan Tehan is very dismissive of anyone who is not from the LNP or from the squattocracy.
Alex Dyson made the attempt to come around and talk to everyone right across the electorate. Dan Tehan did not engage with people. 
The political parties are all guilty of just looking out for themselves, everyone having to toe the party line. The community independent movement was a real inspiration. 
MPs should be real people and talk to us in a genuine way.
Political parties are being sneaky, putting out advertising without party logos, having fundraisers without properly declaring that they are for a political party, not being transparent.
To vote in the interest of the community / electorate
There are ideal expectations of our representative and we want a fact based approach, not to vote along party lines
To be heard and not tokenistic listening
Close to the community it’s a diverse community, not just one town
“encourage input’
“reporting back to the community”
“constant process not just at election times”
“promoting issues that need action”
“not just potholes”
“strong part of the democratic process”
Know what the demographics are
Empathy for diverse groups
“serving the people, versus the party”
“this is not what our party is saying, but this is what our people need”
Working collaboratively
“Present everywhere”
Go to everything
“Independent unencumbered by the party structure”
List of how dan’s voted – its never called out in the press, by opposition, “fairly devastating” – has never voted against party line.  Could have been more exercise of the personal.
Funding announcement and opening only. – across party lines
Attached to the community – doesn’t have to live here, but have to “show regard” for the community
Ignored because we are conservative, taken for granted
Have been “belittled” by current local member when meeting with him
No expectation – he is there for his party not us
Know what the local issues are
“Fight for us when they go to parliament”
Briget Archer a real voice for bass
“he was raised for this job”
Politicians should listen more to people. Current members of parliament don’t think they need to listen to electors just their political masters.
Malcolm Fraser was good local member, he came home each weekend, met regularly with locals, worked hard to help the electorate. Previously the electorate was a swinging seat, but he built it up for the Liberal Party by listening and being seen and available. 
Honesty and integrity, to say what they mean and stand up for what they believe in 
Treat electorate as intelligent adults and don’t use fear-based policies or scare campaigns.
Not have people in power who seem to think that democracy is a nuisance, which is what many in the major parties appear to do
Engaging in the community at a grass-roots level. (Examples discussed of Malcom Fraser’s attendance at Coleraine Hospital board meetings and Coleraine Show) (also discussion of difficulty of getting around such a large electorate as Wannon)
Small communities should be listened to
Should voice the electorate’s concerns in Canberra rather than political party position
Should listen to electorate rather than political party
Support the public service to provide expert advice
Federal politicians could spend more time in the electorate by using video conferencing for much parliamentary business (as was done during Covid)
Should not cynically confound federal and state responsibilities for political purposes
To represent us, to listen, to be accessible, to be accountable, to respond to communication, to represent us, rather than Dutton and the party, and vested interests, to represent the electorate not the party.
To be more positive not to be so negative, not to be so partisan.
TO engage in debates, find common ground, have less knee jerk reactions based on what the opposition wants. I hate the extremes, whereas most of us are probably more in the sensible middle.
We do have a large and diverse electorate, with rural and farming and the city dwellers, which can be divisive. We want our representative to represent all sides, not just the farmers and big business.
We are too safe an electorate to get the services we need in our electorate. (Marginal seats get more federal money). 
That he votes for things that support his electorate and Australia in general. Not happy with many of our local member’s voting patterns. He voted again anti-corruption! Why would he vote against plain packaging on cigarettes???
Honest and communicative. Not spreading misinformation. A presence in the community.
Responsive to contact.
Interested in the things that the electorate is interested in.
Engages with the electorate and takes their views to Canberra.
Doesn’t follow the party line without listening to me.
Listens to constituent concerns and does the homework ie Indi and blackspots
Our own version of the Indi process
Pays attention to the electorate. No empty promises ie nuclear energy
Wedging is a delaying tactic.
Not seeking power for the sake of it.
Open and transparent in the mould of Ted Mack and Peter Andren.
Participatory democracy would be the ideal.
Political parties need to be flexible to allow members to vote how their electorate feels.
A leader.
Passionate, motivated.
Prepared to educate themselves.
A good communicator because they should be able to take people along with an articulate argument.
To say what they believe rather than toeing the party line
In politics to serve rather than follow a career path
Vibrant, caring, attentive, representing Wannon rather than the party line
‘I’d like to see them in the flesh”
Meet with community on a regular basis, garner their requirements and take this to parliament
A person with moral integrity, needs to engage on climate change, refugees and first nations peoples
Listens to constituents and represents these opinions in Parliament
Role model of Helen Haines
People now see that politics has nothing to do with democracy
To properly represent their constituents, to meet regularly with constituents so they can share their views and concerns, to act in their electorate's best interests rather than a political party's. Be easy to reach and contact, and to not be an idiot.
Fairness to those in need or disadvantaged
Planning for future generations
Listens to the people
To advocate on Victoria rural behalf more.. Engage as you are doing local engagement, grass roots needs wants.
Listen to constituents
Avoid party politics
People before individual ambition
Engage in debate, consultation & consensus politics. Avoid polarising views
To represent our community and make responsible decisions that can create positive impacts.
To act with integrity, be truthful, to act for the short, medium and long term benefit of our community based on rigorously assessed and rational information, to understand the fundamentals upon which we all rely: a truly sustainable environment, social justice, a deep understanding that we are all act as individuals as well as members of communities that only function successfully because we work together, who understands that within our electoral boundary we have incredible knowledge, passion, skills, ideas, experience as well as incredible pain, damage, cynicism, thoughtlessness and disrespect of history and natural environment and that together all these things frame a conversation for a better way forward.
Not impressed with state or federal member. Staff are not welcoming or really helpful. Having lived in Melbourne I felt comfortable talking to my local representatives raising issues and were acted upon by them. Here I don't feel I am getting the same experience and most times I am advising them of where to source information or information provided is incorrect.
I wish there was more bipartisan support within all political parties.
To fix all the priorities within Wannon, stop promising things that never happen, and stop the “blame game”! Get your arse into gear Dan, and fix things for your large electorate.
This person should interact with their electorate, be available to have time and interest to hear the people and take action appropriately. They shouldn’t misuse their position they should be accountable and act with integrity.
To do what’s best for the community - not just follow party lines. To do what they can to protect the environment and stop climate change.
To act independently of the party politics machine, and act for the views of the electorate. To stand up when things aren’t right (for example Dan should have stood up and said children in detention is not okay). To be willing to work for the disadvantaged as well as those who are already privileged.
To represent our community with kindness, empathy and honesty. Ensure people from all backgrounds receive equal representation / opportunities.
-to live locally and be a local and care about the electorate more than his/her status
-to be a person of principle, but open minded to other ideas
- to speak up for the needs of his/her community
To act and behave rationally and to be kind hearted. To get away from political polarisation. To try to work with other people in parliament for the betterment of everyone. To stop making scare campaigns. To listen to scientists and follow evidence. Make Australia more egalitarian. To fight for what is right. To be approachable and listen. To be able to change their mind when they have been wrong. To care more for the good of Australians than the party they belong to.
Listen and act on wishes of all constituents.
I would expect the local member would take interest in the views of the local community. Currently Dan blindly follows the ‘party line’. That party has descended into an echo of big money lobby groups. Every now and then Dan sticks his head up and complains about pot holes but there are so many more important issues. I suspect Dan is a climate science denier. I’d expect a good local member to respect scientific knowledge.
To be much more independent in thought rather than simply following the party line
intelligence, integrity, own person (not behoven to party politics), honest.
forward thinking. NOT Dan Tehan
The she or he be visible beyond grandstanding in the national media offering no solutions to anything. That she or he actually visit communities outside election campaigns. That she or he grasp that different parts of the electorate have different views. That she or he respect the law and the courts; understand and accept science; have even just a basic grasp of the history of our country.
Consult with people and represent their views rather than party views- taking in mind that not all people necessarily voted for them. Have a good ethical grounding and mean what they say and be able ( and willing) to justify any changes in their decisions. Have sufficient moral courage to also confront voters if they are wrong (publicly held views are not always right). Some vision as to the future of the region and Australia as a whole.
A local member should listen to constituents and take up issues raised and represent the will of the people.
to represent all the people of Wannon - the member seems to follow the dictates of the party rather than displaying social equality for all members
To push the causes of constituents rather than just following party ideology
To represent all community members not just those who can influence the member’s next election chances- more First Nations recognition and inclusion in community decision making
To have a sense of humanity toward all people irrespective of race gender age position in society .. acknowledge the amazing indigenous history here including prorating voice and truth telling as a minimum - work towards sustainability FAST
Don’t play politics, or divide our community. . Engage in solutions for climate change crises
access & communication when required.
Engagement in all the local issues that the consituents are concerned with.
Advocacy for the improvement of the amenity of the electorate.
Accountability of actions to the local community by explanation of positions taken in parliament.
The current member is very remote from the day to day issues of his consituency.
Honest government
A member who represents his community with integrity and not just follow the party line or the biggest donor
To work for the people in the community and put the party they maybe in second and definitely not the other way around
Accurately and fairly represent the views of their constituents, not just those who voted for them, and advocate for their local community.
That they are engaged with/have a relationship with their constituents.
That they represent and communicate with all their constituents not just a subset. eg respond to correspondence.
They seek and hear a broad range of public opinion on issues as well as advancing properly researched ideas and testing responses then reflecting this in the policies they advance.
That they conduct themselves as a leader in whom we can place our trust and respect
That they engage in constructive dialogue with other politicians, opposing where they believe this will advance an issue but not just opposing for its own sake.
Make sure rural roads are well maintained...decisions are made locally, not from an office in Melbourne where we are just a dot on a map and the decision makers do not have any connect to GORPA...that ask for local input, but IGNORE it & do their own thing, wasting tax payers money
Someone who listens to all constituents (not only those who aligns to their political views), , explains their decisions, spends time in the electorate participating in community groups, issues and events (beyond a photo opportunity).
That he is honest and demonstrates integrity. That he represents the whole community/electorate. Aims to unite the electorate and works in the community's interest. Advocates for the electorate in an effective way. Works in the interest of everyday people, not his corporate mates. Is trustworthy.
Honesty, integrity, potential to do good, capacity to understand the complexities of life today, who was respectful, inclusive, and truthful. Someone with vision who can be a leader.
You mean the one we have or the ideal?
He would listen to a variety of views and not follow party lines.
easy access, work to improove services, stop supporting nuclear power, stop supporting Israel`s war against palastinians
The courage to make decisions based on the wishes of his constituency, even if not along his own party's line.
To properly represent the voters based on the platform of stated policies. I dod not want the local member to be at the bidding of the major party factions that determine policy without regard to the community views.
Putting the electorate/country first before party politics and personal ambition.
That he listens to his constituents and acts on their concerns. That he stops peddling misinformation and outright lies in his correspondence. That he acts with integrity and truthfulness.
I expect them to visit all the towns in their electorate and constantly talk to locals to ensure they are representing the people who elected them.
I expect them to be moral and honest. I expect them to act with principles and do what is right rather than what is going to outrage.
I expect them to be brave.
Act on climate change. Road condition improvements.
Represent local interests. Uniting not divisive.
To represent the aspirations of the Electorate and not party ideology.
That o can listen to them on radio without wanting to turn off
See previous answer.
I expect our, any, local member to represent the electorate and the communities and people within it first.
To do the things he was employed to do, to represent everyone, all of backgrounds, gender. To open a rehab facility! Aged care facilities
See above.
Just do the opposite to Tehan
Engaged with the electorate
Not reliant on political mudslinging to get attention
To be around, even occasionally, to hold community forums to get people's views, to work for the community not just work to get re elected.
To advocate for local issues identified by constituents. To address National issues in a way that is consistent with local concerns. To unite people with different views rather than promoting division.
His ambition for leadership roles means he just toes the party line. he never seems to recognise that Wannon's interests may differ from the party view of the world
Expectations and wishes are different. In reality I have no expectations as the system currently is. My wish however is for our representative to be a strong advocate for our community because they have knowledge and understanding of what we do and how we live. My wish is that a representative represent us too not their political party only.
Protect our unique environment
Promote our region
To be accessible and representative of their constituents. To provide opportunities for constituents to engage with the local member in meaningful, free flowing conversations like a kitchen table conversation.
To represent their electorate and not tow the party line.
To be visible in my town not just when they are pushing things important to them or coming up for election.
Representative for tge community good, not just lining their own pockets.
Someone who cares about the issues facing community members, takes these issues back to parliament and advocate for us.
Represent this region, especially for universal access to good health are, education, housing, childcare etc. To promote sustainable living to protect our children's future.
Act humanely when considering all issues - especially when dealing with refugees and Australians who have been less “lucky” in life.
To do alot more than be a blowhard that he is currently.
Genuine engagement with the community would be great
To not be corrupt. To not be racist. To not be dishonest. To not further their own interests at the expense of the elecorate. To not fob off requests for action with weasel words and platitudes when their help is sought on critical matters.
Look after all, but he belongs to a major party so they all generally toe the line
To genuinely represent the interests of the electorate and it's development rather than voting purely on party lines
Not the negativity of what he is saying about refugees, not to give Catholic non-public schools lots of money when public schools are in need, not to be a master of spin without educated, sensible, caring substance.
Information and resources
Strong green sensibilities – consideration of all age demographics – accessible and effective social services – sustainability
My expectation is for the local member to represent the views of members of their community and not just follow their party line. Someone I cam admire.
To represent me and my community. To represent what we stand for and consider important. We should not have to be always fighting our government and local member.
Same answer as above.
Principled, good communication skills, intelligent, confident, caring, strong enough to stand alone, has humility, organized.
Engage with all aspects of the debate and vote within parliament based on the wishes of the electorate, not the party machine. Be knowledgeable and acknowledge issues that effect us locally and the country, world - eg climate change.
One capable of viewing what is good for the community (the common weal), as compared to what is good for the party. Makes a positive contribution rather than an automatic negative response about the party in government.
To be available for all social groups.
Increase his time spent in the electorate. Advocate for more social housing, improve our rosds.
Advocate for climate change.Engage
To listen to the community and the zeitgeist. Understand the importance of protecting the environment, vulnerable individuals and groups in society and to put forth solutions and a vision for protecting the fabric of a fair and democratic society that provides for all.
To regularly engage with their local community to ensure that you are representing their needs, wants, hopes and aspirations and taking those needs to the nation.
To serve the community and take seriously their concerns and act on this.
To be engaged on the big issue of climate change and inclusive communities
To listen to ALL parties
Support issues such as women’s safety, children’s education and building strong communities
To strongly and effectively follow through on issues, rather than make a fuss and/or agree where there are problems but nothing actually happens or changes.
To reflect more appropriately the values, views and especially needs of the electorate and the people living here, rather than slavishly following the party line and/or leader of the Coalition on important matters. Eg his comments and recommendations on The Voice plebiscite were essentially the same as for Dutton, offensive to many and indicative of the scare campaign which was waged to defeat Albanese and the Labor Party for political reasons, rather than what was better for indigenous Australians and more uniting for the country.
Consult with the local community, act in the interest of the local community rather than their party. Work to reduce inequities and make the local community fairer and most just for those in need.
Would love to see Mr Teehan push for more viable childcare options in our region! Waitlists are up to 2 years long and many parents are struggling to find care available so they can work
To listen to the things that are important to constituents and represent their interests and wishes to parliament. To be easily accessible to constituents
Higher than what he delivers. This is not a party political comment in that the State member for Lorne (Richard Riordan) meets expectations for a local member.
Transparency and honesty. Promises made should be promises kept. No backflips. All inclusive, fair, all voices heard. Upstanding member , one who practises what they preach. No double standards.
To represent his community’s views, not just toe the party line.
To listen.
To be articulate.
To be a champion for the marginalised within the community.
To listen to the community and respond to their needs, serving the community rather than their party.
They need to push for action on issues important to our electorate ( see above) rather than toeing a party line and optimistic wedge politics
- to represent the interests of, and, to serve the people of Wannon, and more broadly the country before those of any individual or industry or group.
- to act with honesty, openness and integrity.
- to be accessible and accountable
To listen to different views rather than adhere to the (political) party line and to consider what is best for the community overall.
To listen to his electorate and represent all views, not his own or his party views.
It is not his job to tell us what to think - it is his job to represent us and our regions' interests.
To inspire broad/difficult conversations to help reach agreement and resolution, and most imprtantly -to bring people together to provide vision, leadership and cohesiveness to move forward. Let's focus on what we do agree on and build on that, rather than inciting division.
He listens to the community
To represent all not just farmers
I expect our local member to more frequently consult with the constituents of Wannon and present our views in the party room and parliament, not his party line. I expect my representative to work with whoever is in government to get the best deal for Wannon and if in government, respect and reflect all views.

What practical things can we do to improve engagement and trust in democracy?

- more conversations in secondary schools about how democracy and the political system works. Even in primary school.
- need to improve trust in government
- great to have independent electoral commissions, mandatory voting and preferential voting, need to defend these
- having conversations like this! Asking people what they want
- would like to see optional voting for 16 and 17 year olds
- need to support public interest media, have a truthful and independent media, need to support the ABC
- must have consequences for misdeeds – eg: robodebt
- reform of the political donations system
- must crack down on pork barrelling, government grants unfairly going to connections. We must not be able to have tax payers money going to mates.
- our corruption rankings are getting worse, ministers used to resign for minor indiscretions but now that doesn’t seem to happen
An example is that development is being allowed in Princetown, in an environmentally sensitive estuary, with government money going to the roadworks etc. Government money also went to upgrading the Peterborough airport but it doesn’t seem to meet the appropriate criteria, would have been better going to Cobden. Makes you lose faith in government.
Need more transparency, government departments seem to not release documents and don’t follow the Freedom of Information laws.
- local MP is running a survey, but the results of this type of survey are never made public
Representation based on equity, social justice, and needs. 
No lobbying allowed. 
Ban on political campaigns and fully transparent, now, not in future.
Ceiling on campaign funding
All decision making considers environmental impact, diversity, sexual orientation, and race including indigenous people.
More respectful and available spaces in community to express ideas, including safe and more, inclusive spaces to express our views.
More transparency in voting 
No pork barrelling.
Make Australia a republic.
Publish voting record of local member, and make it more accessible and disseminated, more transparency and accountability.
Local member should show voting intentions in advance. 
More training for primary and secondary students in democracy, civics, and political education
Information and education training for adults on democracy and politics somehow, Archie Graham, Lighthouse etc., nonsectarian, accessible
Model civil, respectful conversations about politics, e.g., focus groups, consciousness raising, 
Increased education about civics at secondary school; increased access by young people to political processes, such as youth parliaments. Local members should also engage more with young people – via school visits; town hall style meetings and actual campaigning even to people not yet able to vote.
Lobbyists – shine a light on this. Lobbying meetings in public, so transparency
Transparency of ministers/members diaries so we know who they are meeting with – politicians into jobs
Political donations stopped or reported live so it is transparent.
All politicians resourced the same..
Accountability for white colour crime and corruption from government ministers.
Kitchen table conversations, between not just before elections – ongoing genuine engagement
Politicians from more diverse backgrounds
Training for politicians for engaging more genuine
More education in schools about the political system, and about politicians’ motivations.
Bridget Archer – liberal but doesn’t toe the party line, has principals and judgement
Politicans should be free to vote on their constituents values
Better education about preferential voting?? AEC responsibility to do better promotion?
Lowering voting age – 16?  Engaged voters in this age group.
Media campaign – Standard to publish Dan and Roma’s deliberations each week/month. Dear Electorate…..
Traditional media could do better in interrogating local member. Rather than just publishing Dan’s views, actually interrogate them, and challenge his views.
Reverse should be the case, Dan should not be telling us how to vote on the Voice to Parliament, he should be representing our view.
Campaign to tell Dan that he should be encouraging discussion, not trying to tell people what to do.
Regular letter to the editor from Voices of Wannon?
Australian Independent Media??
Better tax regs, close the loophole

Truth in advertising 
Communication with our local members about our concerns
Chat with neighbours, talk about politics.
To be persistent and to respectfully demand more from our elected members, 
Politics in the pub, putting them on the spot.
Improve engagement, such as the Voices of Wannon 
Educate primary and secondary students about democracy. 
Discuss values and ethics clarification 
Get to know our neighbours and help connect with people.
Rebuild organisations organically from the bottom.
Guard against misinformation, call out misinformation, strong press and journalism. 
Make how our local representative votes more transparent.
Our whole government should be more transparent.
People aren’t interested in Government as it’s too hopeless and confusing. 
Too much red tape.
Could learn more about democracy and making yourself heard at school.
Democracy is at risk and being eroded, especially noticeable since the Referendum.
Better education in civics and democracy.
I am a civics and history teacher, and I was very disheartened by the lack of interest in civics and democracy. I have been heartened to hear about groups like these. I was very disheartened by the last referendum and election and feels locally I’m very disengaged in the views of the electorate. I teach year 7 to 12.
We need to have more education and discussion about politics and democracy for our children.
I’d love to see schools to offer children options about clear and critical thinking and intelligent use of the media, how to identify the difference between truth and lies and how the media can manipulate views.
Better funding of public schools who are expected to do so much, according to School Resources Standard and we do not meet it. 
COVID has made things so much harder to so many children and increased trauma response. Some children thrived under lockdowns and some deteriorated, depending on the access to financial resources and functionality of parents. This increased the social divide.
Better media standards and independent media and calling out of mistruths.
Accountability for social media and more diversity in mass media ownership
In general support people who choose to serve in government rather than the relentless personal attacks often seen, greater respect for politics and public servants
Have an independent and apolitical public service
Democracy is about airing a diversity of views including some we don’t agree with
Through the school system and in the media, equip the community with the skills required to have respectful debate and critical thinking about issues
Have a national accounting system for happiness
Have more emphasis on decision making in the national interest rather than in a narrow party-political interest, more bipartisanship in politics
Focus on what we have in common rather than on division
Longer parliamentary terms, maybe five-year terms to encourage a longer-term view about decisions
Politicians should be better informed about how they can serve the community
Truth in political advertising and in statements by politicians
Raise the standard of political discourse, people should be called out for telling lies
Real time disclosure of donations
“Campaigns should be about policy not personality takedowns”
Reduce consultants’ influence on government
More transparency and accountability
Build a network of people, organization or group. Being a part of it and making it more than one voice asking for things.
By him offering to visit we did get somewhere.
We need proper publicity, starting early and carrying it right through. We need friendly media. 
I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the Standard. They are relatively friendly. I haven’t felt like they are a blocker.
The right doesn’t seem to be super well organized here. It seems just the demographic of the area. This place seems to be gradually getting more progressive.
Having conversations and building conversations in the community that there is an alternative.
We need to somehow or other find a way to engage more with our politicians. Even if we get into the office and have a conversation. Make a case. 
With the referendum. Not having a bipartisan support Nailed it. As a senior member of the Party, he couldn’t speak against it. 
It was appalling that the no pamphlet had total lies. People believe that information as it comes from our elected representative. If we had rules against it, perhaps they couldn’t spread misinformation.
The anger and rudeness.
Dutton was using Jacinta Price to push the no campaign. She is certainly not representative of the Indigenous views.
Ensure change of member
Rise of community voice
Gathering and talking with each other
Speak with people who don’t agree with us
Try to understand our opponents
Need to increase the respect in political conversations - when they go low, we go high
Create strong connected communities - talk to your neighbours, look after people
Truth in advertising laws 
Caps for campaign funding
Transparency in donations 
Make MP diaries transparent
Capped and fully transparent political party donations
Legislate against the ability to promote false/ misleading information about other candidates
Legislate against the ability for lobbyists to access MPs for private meetings and create a fully transparent diary of each meeting
How do we retain our young people
Have tangible wins and actions – where are the things we have asked for
Investment in Arts
Investment in Youth
Focus on what’s going well?
Consider what industry compliments us and is in line with our values
Create conditions for better freight lines and shared regional freight hubs. Resolve the tyranny of distance
Stop gathering data and having conversations and create action on initiative so that young people and creatives can hone their talent
Remove barriers for participation in community activities like sport/ arts/ interest groups.
More conversations like this
More participation in politics
Shift the pride in Wannon
Group discussion needs to be normalised 
Declaration of real time donations
There is a poor understanding of civics and democracy. There is no organisation or structure to ensure this. No funding to ensure capacity  building. 
It should be in the curriculum
Voluntary voting at 16
“Philosopher’s Stone” on Fiddler’s Green for people to speak. 
Another arm to VOW that is “Talking about Democracy”. Educative – how we as a people influence our lives at a practical level. Do it within existing clubs – sports clubs; U3A, Mother’s Group; Community House. 
Maybe the local council should teach civics. 
We need to have accountability. People need to be held responsible for their decisions – eg: Robodebt. The politicians in charge need to be held to account.
You should not be allowed to lie – in court settings and similar - and if you do there should be consequences. 
We keep having Royal Commissions and reviews etc but nothing seems to change.
Politicians need to be able to adapt policy settings when the situation changes. 
The lobbying that happens behind the scenes is terrible.
No one above the age of 35 should be in a position of power – this would really change things!
Most Australians are not involved in politics, the research says that when they are deciding on how to vote they will listen to a trusted figure, especially nowadays people with strong social media followings. If these people can promote positive messages around the democratic process – how it is important to vote, preferential voting, where to get credible information – this could make a positive difference.
Schools need to teach critical thinking skills. People are disengaged because lots of them do not think critically about the messages they get in the media. 
People do not understand the way that politics affects their lives substantially. The way our politicians vote has a big impact on us.
Many people do not have respect for politicians as the politicians are seen as self serving, just in there for power. The growing number of community independents is helping to improve this. Community independents are actually representing their electorates.
Many politicians go in to politics for the right reasons but they get corrupted by party politics. 
The two party system is a big problem for our democracy. There need to be more options for different “small” parties.
Preferential voting is a big positive, but our system does not well represent the electorate proportionally. Eg: Greens get about 12% of the overall vote, but they don’t have 12% of the seats. Our system needs to give more proportional representation. The system they have in New Zealand allows you to vote for your local member, and also for a party (the parties then get additional seats in proportion) – this might be a good option to consider.
Truth in advertising laws must be brought in.
There needs to be transparency and accountability.
Having conversations with people who have different ideas and opinions, but doing it respectfully and valuing others views, needs to happen more. It is important to be able to talk about politics in a non-confrontational way. One option is a “blind date” situation between people with very different views, but the people involved are required to be respectful.
Campaign donations need to be reformed, there must be more transparency especially in lobbying and hidden donations.
The 2020 report on governance should be implemented
People have to make the change
Look at different models of democracy
The Helen Haines model of consultation
Regulate social media
Break up the Murdoch pressaccoun
Subsidise traditional media
Citizens juries eg for governance issues
Civics education
Independent MPs could/should drive the change for accountable representation
Town hall meetings involving councillors and MPs
People need to know that change in Wannon is achievable
Civics education ie re voting strategically. How the system works re preferential voting etc
People need to get organised and engaged in the political process
Social media engagement
Having conversations like this a really good – people talking about the issues in a non-confrontational way.
There should be more literacy about the political system and how it functions. People are susceptible to misinformation if they are not educated.
There needs to be more information about what the different parties have done and what their policies are
I would like the AEC to have more powers to act on misinformation and other issues – eg: misleading information such as the “postal vote” paperwork being sent out by the Liberal party. This should not be allowed.
Politicians should not be allowed to lie.
Honesty is very important. They need to be accountable for what they say.
We should get away from the “them” vs “us” view of things, we need to be better at listening to each other respectfully.
Many politicians do not talk about and promote their own policies, but instead just attack the policies of other politicians.
Parliamentary work needs to be regulated in the same way as other workplaces, we should not put up with alcohol abuse and sexual misconduct
The AEC should provide unbiased information about each candidate so it is not so confusing for the voters
More information needs to be provided in different formats – eg: in languages other than English, or for people with low literacy, television etc needs to have captioning and Auslan interpretation. Government must pay for these services. 
We need to have independent media, instead of most media being controlled by a few powerful people
People need to have more of a feeling that democracy works for them. People need to be more involved. Democracy only works if you participate.
There should be more options on the ballot paper, including “none of the above”
It is good to have the voting history of your MP available, especially just before an election campaign.
Talk to our friends and network. 
Write letters to the editor
Help me understand how I should have conversations with people entrenched in their beliefs and reinforced by Sky news and the Herald Sun.
How as a Society and a region can we converse with people with entrenched views. Can’t argue with them as only alienate them. Lead by example with electric cars and solar panels. They have been fed so many lies that they don’t believe us.
Need to follow democracy with student groups particularly student leaders.
The mere fact that Voices of Wannon exists is exciting and having conversations such as these is very good.
Having clear thinking youth and objectively thinking youth is our only option.
Show some leadership to lead some discussion. 
Carefully considered use of social media.
Change political funding so people listen to the public, not to the funders.
Real time political funding disclosure. And disclosure of every cent.
Be better informed. And communicate with our local member, what we want and where we disagree with him. What we want and what we expect of him.
At least we have a democracy and a right to vote. I’ve worked in a lot of countries and we do have a bloody good system.
 The way the media portrays particular things is very problematic. They are addicted to wow movement and grabs and no deeper analysis.
Just finished a book written by Leigh Sales and reporting and the role of the journalists in trying to get the truth out there while being respectful of what people need and want to know. It’s a challenge.
We need to research this and then write letters.
Restore it.  Kev Carmody said it beautifully at Womadelaide a few years ago.  “We don’t live in a democracy, do we?  We live in a corporate democracy.”  The experience of Indi and the wave of independents since then is a beautiful snapshot of what this country could and can be. 
I don’t know how this could be done, and I guess the ballot box is the ultimate indicator, but I think it would be a fascinating thing to have an assessment of the current teal independents (as well as Helen Haines) of how their voting in parliament has been representative of the platforms that they campaigned on, as well as their participation and contribution to the various parliamentary working parties that they would inevitably work and serve on, and how their electorates have benefitted from their work in the parliament. 
It’s not something that I know a lot about, but clearly political donation reporting needs to be improved and quickly. 
The commercial media’s response (as well as some pockets of the ABC) to the recent re-jigging of the Stage 3 tax cuts was just one indication of the poor quality of political media coverage in this country.  I don’t know what you do about dumbing down of news – speaking as a failed ABC radio producer myself – but it’s pretty bad now.
The media is a big one – the misinformation in the mainstream media can manipulate the population. 
A robust federal anti corruption commission needs to be linked to the High Court, so that it cannot be abolished and can follow through with investigations and prosecutions. It needs to be above party interference. 
Inclusiveness and transparent means: open forums, education, 
There needs to be better education so that people understand the power of the High Court versus the power of the parliament. Have meetings in country halls, where experts in different fields can give talks on issues and people can learn. Evidence based and factual information. 
Remove money from politics, so power can’t be bought by corporates
Make things more transparent
Reducing the donation cap and give ICAC more power
Having small engagement groups like this so people are not afraid to speak up
Our fair voting system only works if people are informed about how it works
Too many people are uneducated about how our system operates
Engagement amongst the youth, to help them understand how important their interests are and how they can be represented
Introducing Civics education to schools earlier
Number of journalist diminished – media coverage
Strong independent free media
Local place where “unbiased info” could be shared
Advocacy for unbiased abc coverage – balance
Public broadcaster not politicised
Analysis of how close last election was in Wannon
Rigour in people’s thinking 
Holding current member accountable – there’s an acceptance of normality of a lib local member
More opportunities to listen to candidates, small towns as well as the larger centres.  Respectful, transparency
“respectful discussions”
The incumbent is being paid, and the candidate is not. Built in unfairness.
Maybe every candidate should be paid for the campaign period.
“The Standard does nothing except embrace the status quo.”
“Doesn’t register that infrastructure that has happened here, has not been driven by the liberal party”
Large proportion of population doesn’t trust politicians. Lots see black and white, not grey.

Needs to be changes to the media because they can manipulate people. Younger people don’t use traditional media. Get Up did this recently, polled young people’s beliefs and how political parties reflect this. 
Political parties don’t want members, too troublesome they’d rather go to big business, e.g. BHP for big donations. 
Work on the dissatisfaction with the current way political parties are behaving. 
We need more independents to shake things up. 
Vote Compass is great to help people work out where they sit on issues, values clarification, all the population need to do this. 
More citizen led campaigns,
Do something about social media, including Meta and AI which manipulate the truth.
Have an improved media where opinion is not mixed in with factual news
Address issues with social media – what is true?
Need to have national aspirations to build a better country rather than “what is in it for me?”
Support the engagement of young people in politics (discussion of 24 hr news cycle being overwhelming for young people leading to disengagement)
Have a culture of respect for each other. Politicians set a bad example with the adversarial nature of partisan politics, never admitting to a mistake.
(Discussion of respect in general in the community, lack of discipline at a young age, the injustice of inappropriate discipline, the ability of grandparents to set boundaries and enforce them)
Relationship between being disrespected and being disengaged, especially for young people – for example if young people are offered the respect of being listened to, they are more likely to engage with the political future of the electorate
Educate young people more about democracy as now they are issue driven but not well educated on what parties stand for.
Nore sure. Young people are despondent and have given up, they think that things are shit and what’s the point of trying to change things.
Young people get their news from social media, not from newspapers, which means they don’t get a full picture of what’s going on.
Encourage transparency in political parties about donations, lobbyists, and processes.
Reduce the aggro in politics, encourage the debate between people, in a reasonable non aggro way.
More factual transparency, less money and less lobby groups, less control of the media by big business, break up media monologies, no fact checking, even the ABC is criticised as being biased. (Sky News is actually opinion not news.)
Dan Tehan does not represent my views, and only a very small majority are actually keeping him in power. Many are only voting for the brand and it’s an illusion. 
Maybemixed member proportional voting like in NZ, is more like our senate, so more diversity. Governments should have to negotiate with other politicians, 
Maybe the two-party system is not so helpful, maybe encourage more independents, encourage debate and conversations in the community at a grass roots level, educating young people, should go beyond conversations to debate.
Learn how debate cordially and honestly, critical thinking (unlike in parliament which is a doghouse)
“Get rid of social media”
Encourage face to face political conversations, not over social media.less 
Teaching about our parliamentary systems in schools – educating the next generation
Increase accountability and transparency NACC, donations.
No political donations.
More independents in parliament.
Media is complicit in the status quo.
More discussions like the KTC.
More women representatives – more cooperative.
Finding a representative that can appeal across all constituents. Someone we can all identify with ie “a farmer’s wife from Hamilton.”
Democracy is broken.
Conversations are the key
“Democracy is fine, it's the people that run it that are the problem”
If there is belief in the MP, trust and faith will grow and garner support
We need to choose candidates who will be open and honest
Engender more interest that their vote counts
Lobbyists bearing gifts are dangerous
Education about the system, in secondary schools to capture interested teenagers
Adult education to encourage seeing value in paying attention
It is important people understand the importance of voting and preferential system
Two-party system needs to go
Political donations should be scrapped or capped, advertising budgets limited
Voting should be simpler to minimise informal voting
Independent way is good for encouraging people vs the two-party system
Independents can attract votes from all sides of politics
A federal ICAC would help. Remove lobbying as it seems likes it's just bribery mostly. I think people would be more engaged with democracy and politics if it was less aggressive, pessimistic and constantly polarised by political parties.
One hundred per cent grassroots campaign no hand outs from lobby groups or rich people
Be transparent with the people.
Truthful Fiscal set of accounts - report to all people what a federal minster monthly timesheet. Outcome for locals
Parliament Less time in debate yelling and bickering. Get on with achieving benefits for people.
Share positive stories
Write positive letters, comments etc
Discuss issues at local level
Education! Engage in local schools, support teachers & mentoring students. Empower youth!
Provide information in various forms from legitimate sources so people can be accurately informed.
Real time political donations record.
Truth in political advertising
Reform of question time to support good debate on issues.
Better connection between the pay and conditions of politicians and us all.
Most community engagement in all 3 tiers are government are poorly advertised and concerns are not acted upon. To much political point scoring.
Be proactive and write letters to politicians to call them out and try to hold them accountable. If you don’t succeed at first, keep attacking them with letters and/or petitions until you win the battle.
More open forums for discussion. Assurances that the electoral process is honest. Humanise it!
Give credit where credit is due. I’d the opposition has a good idea, follow it and not just knock it because it didn’t come from your party.
The local member should produce their own communications materials, and not just ‘fill in the gaps’ of a party produced template.
Be honest, be present. I think Alex Dyson did a tremendous job during the recent election. He is the benchmark.
This is very difficult in a world hung-up on money. Big business runs our countries, and not generally for the benefit of the country. Get rid of funding for campaigns. Change our attitude to tax.
Not be so negative about Australia as a democracy. Be really positive about the things we do well. Our freedoms and our democracy and our institutions are good compared to so many other places. We need to ensure we do not go backwards. We need to make sure people like Trump and Putin are not considered heroes.
We need to make sure our politicians are still people of integrity and our integrity commission works and is funded as it should. We need democracy issues taught at school.
Elect an independent
Well I think Voices of Wannon is a good start, it is collating the interests and wishes of the community. The group is encouraging the community to articulate their views and to discuss.. I’m most encouraged by the vote at the last federal election. It gives me hope that the staleness of the status quo can be defeated.
all of the above
you're doing well. provide support to suitable candidate/s to replace Tehan
Have a local member who does all the things listed above; and who believes in truth in advertising and who declares immediately as does Helen Haines who donates money to their campaigns.
Provide a local forum where ideas can be freely discussed.
Communities can develop and grow and raise issues. Collective advocacy that needs to be heard and responded to appropriately.
Honesty especially in advertising
Respect - for all peoples no matter race or history
Have more locally engaged 'centrist' independant representatives in Parliament
It’s difficult when views are so firmly entrenched in some sections of this community- it’s easy to stick to mixing with people of like minds but the challenge is to try to influence others without alienating them
Have our politicians be courageous about change that prioritises rapid change in environmental issues - fair housing for all -
Community forums / debates in a few places in the electorate
encourage more listening, less 'taking of sides', more conversation & negotiation
Have the chance to elect a local representative who cares about the electorate.
allow for Transperancy in all matters.
Continue to promote independent candidates
Transparency in Govt decisions. Full disclosures of all donors to Politicians and parties. More pressure on media to speak the truth, facts matter., instead of opinion pieces.
Be honest with us even if we don’t agree.
Decriminalise drugs and focus on housing people
Get involved in local community initiatives to support causes you are passionate about; actively engage in the electoral process, rather than treat it as a spectator sport; join your union!
Continue to support alternate candidates outside the two major parties who believe in community engagement
We haven't seen your newsletter yet but imagine it will inform us on the state of important issues. We struggle to find sources of information that we can rely on and aren't coloured by political bias.
More inclusive and transparent processes where political representatives engage constituents and help build long-term thinking, capacity to engage in community decision making. It's hard and long term effort, but worthwhile for future gains.
Act with integrity in the interest of the electorate.
1. Explain the political processes eg what voting means
2. Develop a program with people who have the background knowledge to lead discussions about what democracy is and how it works and how to make it better for a kitchen table group.
3. Develop a critical thinking training program that can be delivered at the kitchen table.
Have consequences for the fear mongering, dishonest politicians. Make it illegal to tell lies in election campaigns. Elect candidates who care about making the world a better place for people and the planet.
local members office not just situated in one town. In todays era of fast speed digital networks some times it is important to have an office that anyone can call into. Our electorate is geographially large. In the past the local member has had meetings with the local liberal group but that is not welcoming to members of the public that have an issue that want to be resolved.
provide positive opposition arguements and not continually criticise opponents
Education on the value of political engagement in a democracy (I know VOW are looking at education possibilities)
Transparent political donation rules.
Truth in advertising.
VoW can ensure engagement and trust by a transparent process of 1. setting a policy platform, based on the conversations , 2. publicly call for candidates to be the VoW representative , 3. conduct an interview process where the final decision on who is to be candidate is determined by the whole membership not just a selected committee.
Have Town Hall type gatherings where the member is questioned, and where the member engages with all constituents. Listening to experts rather than the invested interested i.e. fossil fuel lobby etc
As above. Vote independent!
Continue connecting candidates to people in different towns. Continue to highlight different options that exist, rather than the two major parties.
Call out false claims. Promote and insist in an independent news service.
Kitchen table discussions sound like a great idea. Tables at the various fares and markets too. Also representation to local politicians.
In a digital world, more democracy, not less, is easily achievable. In this day and age, a local member can easily glean the wishes of the Electorate by simple, digital, questionnaire.
Change of member
Interact with the electorate, unlike the current incumbent.
I think that the 'Voices of' movement is doing what is needed in this area
The major parties only talk to themselves and usually in the context of their relationship with the other major parties. When they do attempt to engage with the public they usually talk at them not to them and they rarely wait for a response. Voices for Wannon could challenge our local major parties in this field.
More meet and greets, more action on crime, action on mental health, aged care reform.
I would like too see so called authorities set up to monitor industries such as Aged Care, Charities, disabilities, Medicare, actually do their job. Nothing seems to change unless it gets into National Tv. Last Monday’s 4 Cornerss Programme the most recent example. The private pain industry. Suddenly the Gov is now going to take a look at it. I know that many brave people would have been asking for this to happen but they are just ignored. Lyndoch is another example.
Seek and respect opinions of constituents
Don't seek to divide but seek to listen, discuss and disagree on fact based policy,
Engage and call political representatives to account
Lobby to get some civics, government and law back in the curriculum, from primary school, provide safe spaces for peaceful protests
Transparency in decision making, transparency in finance. Holding media to account-accurate and unbiased reporting, reporting the facts not opinion.
Have politicians stop talking about being in power and start talking about being in a position to serve.
They are public servants!!
Advocate for legislative change so local areas are at the decision making.table. Advocate for single source funding to local government and do away with funding systems via grants.
Advocate for larger local council catchment so we can have a stronger voice - with numbers and the high level of productive contributions in our regime could help us to have a greater influence.
Communicate, communicate, communicate as much as possible. It's worth getting info out there on all platforms..
Chuck out the system and start again!!
Accessibility of politician
As individuals we can be informed by accessing trusted news sources.
We can get involved in political groups.
We can engage in conversation with others about political issues in a supportive listening way.
Donations to parties to be made public in a timely manner, trips etc paid for by tax payers to be circulated regularly. Knowing which big business is lobbying governement to get their needs met rather than ours. Politicians that want what is best for Australia rather than their party. Politicians to be booted out if they don't follow through on the election promises they make.
Make it more accessible and understandable for the lay person. Keep it local. Offer opportunities to be involved. Listen and act when the community speaks.
Be present in the community, talking with members, be genuine in promises and issues of locals, not party lines.
Converse with others at every opportunity.
Stay true to our values.
All lobbyists need to be publicly known of and who they represent, also who got them the pass to parliament
? I don't believe we live in a democracy. We are ruled by big capital, whose agents have free access to parliament while ordinary citizens have none. The most important practical thing is to educate people to see that they have a choice in the ballot box - to not elect party members who prop up the farce.
Get more independents.
Building a knowledge & understanding of how local government operates, encouraging citizens to become actively involved in their communities, town meetings, public consultation, opinion surveys, educating youth on the importance of political engagement & raising issues with their representatives, utilising popular online platforms for information & educational purposes, encouraging participation of all in political discussion.
Early education from primary to year 12 about democracy values, lots of advertising on TV, phones, political election terms to be increased to 4 years.
Community events
Unsure how to respond to this – "We" = VoW, or society in general?
Limit political donations and the influence of lobbyists. Have local members represent their communities and not just vote the way their party. Change the voting age to 16 and allow young people to have a say in their future.
Stop the influence of money and lobby groups. Transparent and timely reporting on all political funding.
Try to hold politicians to account for the decisions that they make.
Keep talking about it, highlight the inadewuacy of the 2 party system, educate people about the preferential system, convince people that they can really make a difference.
Be seen, healthy debates so topics aren't driven by social media, where facts are confused with nonsense.
See response re expectations. Remove the use of lobbyists in parliament.
Build trust, ensure transparency and accountability in government, deliver positive results for the whole community.
Engage our community, especially our young people.
This is being done by Voices of Wannon etc.
Change media laws to remove the Murdoch press' negative influence. SkyNews should not be allowed to be shown on free to air TV as it spreads misinformation and lies while purporting to be a trusted news source. Fund the ABC properly. Enshrine their funding in legislation. Independent media needs to be fostered and supported through breaking up the concentration of media ownership across radio, TV and newspapers. Foster greater understanding of the working of parliament. Run advertising campaign to show the difference between an autocracy and it's traits and a democracy and it's traits.
For local members to be accessible and present in the local community. To feel that our regional voices ae being heard and considered.
By being transparent in our actions and having integrity; walk the talk.
Put climate change and inclusive communities at the top of every agenda
Local member to respond in a timely manner to feedback and letters and not just trot out the party line
The Prime Minister and all Ministers, both Federal and State, must become more transparent. The increasing tendency of hiding as much as possible from the public needs to be turned around. We have had PMs in the past regularly talking directly to and listening to people - on the radio and in person around the country. Politics is now all about political marketing and manipulation, with the result that no-one trusts or believes in anyone any more. Politicians need to start proving to people that they actually give a toss about those doing it tough, that they are listening and taking the actions people need them to do, and that they are not just dodging around to protect their own positions and interests.
This also requires more transparency on how decisions are made, all the ways that lobby groups operate and persuade in order to achieve their interests - who are they, what incentives are they giving and in what form, where are all the real and potential connections and conflicts of interests and why aren't these all made public as a matter of course, rather than needing to be searched out by others?
ALL claims, comments and other information which is false and/or misleading MUST be made illegal. The fact that the NO vote won The Voice based on a scare campaign in which lies were allowed is utterly DISGRACEFUL! All these sorts of devious actions and communications MUST BE WIPED OUT and carry significant penalties to political parties, organisations and individuals!
Greater consultation with local community
More transparency surrounding lobbyists
Greater debate around ideas and policy rather than attacking the opposition. Actually working for the community, rather than the parties interest and dogged determination to be in power
Talk more. Appear more in local communities. I've never seen you in Birregurra....
Politicians could stop obfuscating. Answering the questions they're asked once in a while would go a long way towards rebuilding the relationship with voters.
Listening to voters - KTCs a great start.
That the coastal strip including Lorne was added to Wannon before the last election is seen as a cynical exercise in neutral using a sewing by seat.
Transparent information sharing.
More civics education for secondary aged kids.
Lower voting age to 16.
Transparency in funding for political parties
Show people that it’s possible to change - our problem here is that, in recent memory, no one has proven that the Liberal party can lose.
Have a candidate who genuinely engages with voters and expresses views consistent with the people they represent. Integrity: ban political donations, truth in advertising. MP needs to represent electorate-if that were true across Australia then parliament would be more diverse
Support and elect members of parliament who will act to
- improve social cohesion
- moderate (or do away with) the politics of negativity, anger, division and identity
- avoid using wedge politics and have MP'S that govern for the good of the people (all people, not necessarily just those that agree with them or those they serve). Support policies that are good for us, no matter who puts them up.
- focus on outcomes and be prepared to negotiate outcomes,
Elect MP's who are there to govern, not for the power (as our local member once said - "when we are in power", note he didn't say government)
MPs to declare conflicts of interest on issues (interesting in regard to housing when so many own one or more investment properties - might only be 10 left to vote on it)
- Consider limiting number of terms for MP's to prevent long term career politicians and seat warmers
a current (realtime) list of donors and donations (it is 2024, not 1924) and lobbyists
open diaries of all MP's and who the engage with (donors, lobbyists etc)
address the issue of "hidden" power (eg wealthy indiviudals, industry groups etc)
Promote the need for the public to be engaged and interested in politics and to understand what the elected representatives are actually legislating (ie As the coalition govt is going to target the "working class" or more to the point blue collar or lower socio economic voters, why would or will they vote against their own economic interests (which would be higher priorities on their list to influence their vote than say environment or climate change etc). So - we need to engage and inform voters of who best really represents their interests, and for them not to be susceptible to anger, division and identity politics.
Stop the revolving door of MP's and staffers moving to private sector and back again
The local member or his/her appointees should canvass community opinions more regularly by visiting town meetings and community groups. Also, they should demonstrate leadership qualities to the extent that they share a vision for the wider benefit of all Australians.
Pur forward candidates who are prepared to engage and represent constituents (ie. Dont just engage/do photo ops with the people who share your own views).
Keep doing what you're doing engaging with people, having meaningful discussions, collecting feedback and presenting.
Look for opportunities for agreement rather than opportunities to divide - seek the common good.
Transparent and more frequent voting on issues, such as registered online voting on particular issues before the parliament.

What are the most important things that you would like your local member to address? 

- climate change – lots of people agreed
- vehicle emissions standards
- recycling – I would like to know why people don’t separate their rubbish!
- need better separation of wastes – soft plastics recycling, aluminium recycling, etc
- Need more education on where our waste streams go to – there is value in recovering materials if it is done effectively
- the way that we respond to natural disasters eg: fires. In regional areas we rely heavily on CFA volunteers who are ageing etc. We need to have a federal civil defence organisation – local people who are trained up to respond in emergencies, need good training and support. It is not sustainable just to call up the army.
- public and affordable housing, well designed medium density residential building close to town centres
- more emphasis on greening, revegetation and the environment, this is important for amenity and mental health etc
- better legislation to protect remnant vegetation, old growth vegetation must be weighted as much more important than just replanting which may not even be local plants. 
- more incentives for farmers to keep remnant vegetation and to plant shelter belts. Farmers who do look after the land better need to get recognition for this.
- need to have a carbon tax, this was actually effective in reducing carbon emissions. Need to remove the diesel fuel rebate especially from larger companies (mining etc)
- should change our mindset about taxes – paying taxes should not be considered as bad but it is actually a public good
- refugees and asylum seekers – our stance on refugees is immoral. People are still locked up, or have no access to citizenship / work rights
- liveable minimum wage and liveable pensions and benefits – need to be able to afford the basics. Need to raise the rate of jobkeeper.
- dental care must be part of medicare
- national packaging law to make things easier to recycle
- Voice to Parliament must be supportedindigenous
- need to have a treaty with indigenous Australians
- must address the number of indigenous kids in custody
- carefully examine the tax exempt status of all organisations, especially religious groups
- abolish stage 3 tax
- Governments need to act on reviews and reports – eg: royal commissions
- need better funding for public universities, and public research – instead of research purely on a commercial basis
- stop any new coal or gas developments, especially fracking
- definitely need to stop new coal developments, but in the short term we may need more gas to ensure we have enough energy until the renewable energy sector can build up capacity. Alternatively we need to reduce the amount of gas being exported, and increase focus on electrification.
- need to allow appropriate development of renewable energy eg: offshore wind farms
- would like to ban cats from Australia. Need to have more action about invasive species and feral animals
- we should not consider nuclear power in Australia – we don’t need it, it is too expensive
- need to address the growing inequality in our society
Make our nation more pro-natal for cisgendered women and LGBTIQ+.
Universal euthanasia
More awareness of our world’s growing population
Reduced Defense spending
Universal basic income
Better funding for ABC
Higher taxes and income distributed.
Environmental sustainability and awareness of climate change 
No activities/sports that exploit animals. 
Progressive taxation (wealthier taxed more)
Less neoliberalism, paradigm shift to value people, especially the powerless 
Housing for vulnerable 
Adequate mental health equity
Safe respectful workplaces
Gender and racial equity (increased female representation) 
More trees, frogs, and indigenous vegetation
Another federal gun buyback scheme (less guns in the community)
No funding or subsidies for any religious bodies, including schools, hospitals, 
Make us a socialist utopia.
More libraries for shared cars, utensil, and tool libraries 
Research and development for sustainability 
Ban cars and more public transport.
Education, housing and climate change.
Political transparency
Refugees – 10000 still hanging no work healthcare etc. Whilst the labor govt has made some improvements in this space there are still many people left in limbo
Cyber security – scams, youth influenced by on the dark web, conspiracy theories etc, misogynistic, playing on fear – truth online. Internet laws to govern hate speech.  Need legislation to catch up with what is happening online.
Housing – vacancy rates, investment properties, negative gearing needs addressing – but election losing policy! Limit negative gearing?
Bank closures, don’t want cash to go, branches losing staff, people in older demographics not good with technology
Health – medicare, NDIS, not enough doctors. Flu vax should be free. Medicare fully funded. NDIS  - rorting by practioners/providers/agencies, difference between what the agent gets as opposed to the support worker gets.
9.5% on tax paid pension should come back – different to super ??
Climate change
Soil degradation, seismic testing, - environment issues etc.
Protection for our environment or else we have no society or democracy.
I’m interested in indigenous issues and it’s hard to work out what exactly has gone on here, and what could evolve positively.
Risks and opportunities of climate change for this area
Have our local members to be able to articulate a vision for the future for our area.
A sense of everyone pulling together in same direction
Election funding caps
Truth in advertising
Free tertiary education
Ditch HECS
Housing for all
Reform taxation to make it more equable. 
State funded education for every child 
Early intervention and kindergarten for all 
Local and regional alcohol and other drug residential and services
Adequate mental health services 
Support for NDIS, not a burden but opportunity and investment 
Better roads 
Better public transport
To have politicians behave ethically and transparently and with integrity.
To support the Voice for indigenous people and Treaty and Truth 
Most important things 
A lot of people in Glenelg are against the Abalone farm.
Try to improve the train line to make it faster, more regular, more extensive. Same as metro Melbourne. Prefer train to bus as its theoretically faster as it doesn’t need to deal with traffic.
TV like 60 Minutes shouldn’t be allowed to publish info on Trans gender people. This was a smear campaign. This won’t help parents or their transgender children.
Climate change is real so more investment in climate mitigation, and the environment.
Increase trust in democracy.
Better behaved politicians.
Better funding of schools.
Better public transport.
Better roads.
Better secondary, post-secondary and occupational opportunities for all children in this region.
Access to medical services.
More social cohesion and connection. 
Fairer society.
Better communication and connection from city to country, e.g., ACFE (Adult Community and Further Education only available through WDEA) and TAFE. We also lost SEAL. So unfair in rural and regional areas, that are so disadvantaged compared to city areas.
Get better models for funding in all sorts of areas, e.g., transport, education, childcare, health services, which are equable and fair and accessible for rural and regional areas. Chronic shortage of childcare and family daycare in this region, and worse than in other region, e.g. Bendigo is fine and has no waiting list. Participant said someone she knew was going to have to move back to his home state if he couldn’t get childcare for his children. (Camperdown has a 5-year waiting list.)  This also means that more mothers are unable to go back to work or work more.
Domestic violence and associated housing insecurity
Donations to political parties from corporations: “legal bribery”, and the funding of election campaigns
Entrenched wealth inequality
People not achieving their potential due to systemic inequalities
Access to tertiary education
Intergenerational equity, especially in the areas of climate risk and housing affordability
Reconciliation and truth telling
Climate change
Road infrastructure, roads built for small farm trucks now being used for heavy haulage
Better use of the railways
Supporting innovation
The funding of local government and its status in (or lack of) in the constitution of Australia
Large residential public buildings sitting vacant in Ararat
Housing that is empty or only used for short term occupancy “we pay people to play Monopoly”
Difficulty for employers to find accommodation for staff, example given of hospitality worker in Halls Gap
No new coal and gas
Access to GP services
Inequality between the public and private school systems, parents feel obliged to send their children away to private schools if they have a good year on the farm leading to unsustainable enrolment numbers in district secondary schools. An example was given of only one girl in year 7 at Lake Bolac last year
Concerns about the AUKUS agreements
Should listen to both sides. Where has freedom of speech gone. People can agree to disagree. We need to meet on issues. Find common ground and think about both sides of the issues. Politicians need to hear our voices even if they don’t immediately make any changes. Politian need to have a more can do attitude and listen to their constituents on their view. Keep the conversation going. Need to have a more open conversation with our elected representatives. We would like to hear the reasons why they can’t do things.
We would like a genuine elected representative. A genuine representative for Wannon. He is not working for us. He’s working for the people who elected him. 
Climate crisis.
Who is the duty senator for Warrnambool? We don’t know who to approach some times.
Fast train to Melbourne would be the best thing ever.
Super trains are going to be too long for our stations. Would love to have the train still going to Port Fairy.
We are getting a very divided society. I’d like address this. More money to the underprivileged.
Stimulus should be given to those with less money as they will spend it. I have no idea how some people will be surviving with the level of rent. Things will be getting much grimmer.
Stage 3 tax cuts are absolutely ridiculous. Those below $50k a year, I have no idea how they will survive. Then we get those big companies who don’t even pay tax.
We need to address corporate tax avoidance.
We had a friend who won a seat for the Labor Party in Colac. Abbott said what does Colac really want. They want a super highway from Melbourne. Colac got their super highway and a Coalition member voted in. But our roads are terrible down here. We want a super highway to the State Boarder. We are largely left out here without enough resources as we keep voting in the conservatives. 
We need to make Wannon marginal. Get our young fella in. Alex. I’m right behind him.
Need more attractions to get people to stay overnight here.
Need more cultural events here. Like the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra here outside. Can we replicate the Garma Festival here.
We are all reliant on pensions, etc. We need more jobs here. We need more emphasis on restorative justice.
Planning for housing
Gas exploration - prevention of seismic blasting 
Teachers in school crisis 
East beach landfill
Social and low income housing
Increase funding for public assets and open space
Increase support for small independent business
Support renewable energy and pass on savings to all in community

National rail system - too much freight on roads
Housing affordability - scrap negative gearing (I don’t pay enough tax). More land released, or high density housing. Stop good farming land being used for housing 
Law to stop leadership spills happening so easily. Limits in a given time - shouldn’t be able to stop parliamentary sittings happening because of a lack of leader
Regional university/university reform
Climate change
Stop search for fossil fuels 
Develop connections between refugees and local regional communities 
Give people a lived experience of political issues
12 year olds in prison - raise the age of criminal responsibility 
Protect, value and appreciate the ABC and ensure transparency  
Give more power to the ACCC to enforce legislation. Particularly around duopoly and market failures
Increase funding for public and social housing
Increase the tax on multiple house ownership - everyone should have access to housing, not just the wealthy. It's a basic human right.
Increase funding for Medicare - another basic human right
Increase funding for the ABC - create transparency in journalism and trust in a publicly funded news media.
Stop the mining of coal and support the relevant communities in transitioning to renewable energy jobs or similar.
Climate change leader, not a denier
Displaced people - shelter is a human right 
Be a global community - environment, warming
End detention centres - Christmas Island
Increase migrant and refugee intake
Stop export of coal
Stop livestock exports
Champion the region
Mental health access
How do we maintain our youth demographic – how do we get them to stay or to come back
Access equality for all young people in our area to education, sport, nature, opportunity, experience.  
Climate change mitigation
Protect and utilise our natural environment for community well being (fund camps for teens?)
Promote indigenous story and invest in truth telling
We need someone else to talk to – won’t get a response from our current member.
Do something about the situation for the refugees still suffering under Operation Sovereign Border. They have no access to Medicare, they are often now mentally unwell, they often are not able to gain employment. They should be granted full citizenship. They continue to suffer. It is inhumane. 
The Climate Emergency – obviously 
Clear lack of equity in education in Australia. Not a single government school in Australia receives their full government funding. 
Division withing the education system is entrenched and getting worse. 
Poor funding of ABC and extreme controls over reporting
Other media outlets should be held to the same standard as the ABC, especially regarding such clear bias. 
Increase social housing. Locally there are 2 low cost houses within a whole new development. Should have been a commitment to include a certain percentage of low coast housing. 
We need Tax Reform
Dyson should stand again. He made an impact. He is a good communicator. 
Our representative needs to represent “country people” not big business which is where Liberal Party values lie. 
Australia Day funding should be applied according to guidelines for each community  to ensure that the Aboriginal Flag is also flown. 
Try to get someone like Allegra Spender to come and speak at a community event.
We need to elect politicians that want to make things better.
Why do we have a private school education system? It should be a public system for all. We should not go down the path of America.
We are desparate for workers, and yet we don’t have the appropriate programs in place to encourage immigrants and refugees to come and work and make a home in our community. Wannon has lots of opportunities with work in all sorts of fields, and there is a train line which gives good access to Melbourne – however, the train service must be improved
Transparency in political decision making, in donations and public service appointments
It would be good for the local MP to advocate for sustainable farming practices
The immigration system must be reviewed because we have many highly skilled people from overseas who are not allowed to work in their field. Or the conditions of their visa are overly onerous, and they have limited access to Medicare. 
Get rid of private schools. At least start with provide all public schools with the minimum required funding. We should not prop up private schools where only the rich has access. The way the system is at the moment it is damaging the public education system.
Addressing climate change is incredibly urgent. We are not prepared for it environmentally, socially, economically. Weather related disaster events are going to mean people cannot get insurance. We won’t be able to afford to rebuild. Every year that we delay is going to make the next decade so much harder. Politicians must stop being so timid and need to address this urgently.
We also need to urgently prioritise the protection of biodiversity. The current government has made some commitments here but I don’t feel confident that they will address this.
We should not be in AUKUS. It is dangerous to be tied to the US.
Environment and biodiversity are key. 
The urgency of the climate crisis is creating worry and stress.
We don’t have the leadership – politicians are not prepared to stand up for their beliefs and to convince people about what is right. David Pocock has been very impressive.
We need to provide recognition and representation for our Indigenous peoples. There should be a treaty and truthtelling
Housing is very important. It should not be treated as a speculative investment, it needs to be a human right. Get rid of the tax perks for investors – negative gearing etc. Tenants need to be treated with respect. The increase in short term rentals is a problem. Everyone needs to have access to secure housing.
There should be some kind of compulsory national service in local community service as a way of giving everyone an understanding of caring for other people and your community.
We should not accept domestic / intimate partner violence. 
There must be education about respecting all people – women / non-binary / other races etc. 
It should not be just up to schools to fix all the social problems. The attitudes etc in the families need to be addressed too.
The national broadcaster is very valuable and important but they are not doing a very good job at the moment. The ABC tends to give to much artificial “balance” even when the weight of opinion is not actually balanced – eg: representing that half of indigenous people did not support the Voice, when that was not true at all.
We need to be prepared to engage with people from all walks of life in a positive way.
We need longer electoral terms.
It is not great that we have to become a marginal seat to get our fair share of funding and attention.
Climate change
Women’s rights
Indigenous issues
Public education
Tax reform
Political donations
Nothing has changed since Corangamite changed to Wannon
Very disappointed with the Voice response, so what happened to our compassion? This is an opportunity for political leadership
We are politically bogged down by unfair allocation of funds
We should make a principle to avoid pork-barrelling
Public money should be for public interest
Our culture has changed. The conventions and the niceties have broken down
Canberra culture needs to change

Taxation, equality. Large companies paying their fair share
Electoral donations transparent and in real time
Housing. Remove negative gearing
Too many vested interests
Refugee policy
HECS is divisive and inequal
Climate change, biodiversity and environment. Has been undermined over many years.
Threats to democracy – Murdoch media and social media. Disinformation
Moratorium on politicians retiring into cushy jobs
Stop government of funding private schools
Corruption at community, local, state and federal levels. 
Indigenous community support. 
Transparency and accountability
Public service resourcing. Non-political. Less involvement of external consultancy firms. 
Privatisation – it doesn’t benefit individual taxpayers
Foreign affairs – increasing instability through wars, climate change. 
High turnover of PMs makes us unreliable
Parliament should vote for the PM, not the party
Party system. Party members don’t serve the nation. Voting should be on national interest, your electorate etc
Term limits on politicians
Housing affordability is a concern. Most of the housing that is available is not appropriate – not everyone needs a 4 bedroom house.
Short term rentals are a big problem as they take away housing stock from long term rentals
Don’t have so many encouragements for property investments – there should be higher taxes on property. Get rid of negative gearing. There should be limits on the number of investment properties you own (above a certain number there should be large tax disincentives)
There should be a vacancy tax to ensure properties are not just sitting vacant.
We need major investment in environmental science
Climate change is a big issue. We need to move away from commercialising nature – eg: climate credits, etc. The environment should be valued for its own intrinsic value.
There are too many wars – What is happening in Gaza is not justified
Australia needs to stop being subservient to the bigger countries. We can be allies, but we need to have more independent thought. 
The AUKUS submarines should not be a priority. We need to look after our neighbours in the Pacific, we have lost this focus. 
Should we have different leaders rotate through the leadership of the major parties, and allow the electorate vote for these people?
Question time in parliament should be used as a proper debate, rather than just mud-slinging. Politicians need to work together better.
I have concerns about the Federal government allowing the increasing privatisation of the health and education systems and other services. That needs to change. The tax breaks for private health need to end, private schools should not get any public funding. Public schools need to be properly funded - Warrnambool College can’t even afford to run a musical this year.
Services need to be funded properly – they need to be thought of as public services instead of a “cost”. There needs to be more honesty on this. We need to stop thinking of “tax” as a bad word.
Climate change – it doesn’t matter what it costs, what is the alternative!
We should not accept levels of behaviour (eg drunkenness) in Parliament that we don’t accept in other workplaces
Call out and legislate to disallow untruths and misinformation . Media watch is one of the only areas where they call people out. ABC is required to be unbelievably unbiased. Why are other media allowed to tell lies and misinformation? Get the ABC to call it out.
Be an ally of the ABC.
Inequity and inequality in our society. The gaps are getting bigger. There are a large number of people in our communities in towns like Casterton and Coleraine that don’t have adequate levels of services. Where people are on the bread line and children are not attending school. The Board of Adult, community and further education doesn’t work in smaller towns where they are limited participants. There needs to be broader approach with funding. Literacy skills, numeracy and digital skills. Would like our local member to be far more supportive of the flexible delivery of services.
Recognize inequality and put things in place to address.
Call out misinformation. Integrity.
Dan advocate to address state school funding issues
Address Deaths in custody. – Closing the gap. 
Funding for violence again women education in sporting clubs. Need a national commitment.
Advocacy for 2 state solution in Israel and real action at International levels to bring a better solution there.
Ongoing support for Ukraine and other threatened democracies.
Real conversation on structural tax reform. Allegra Spender very exciting when speaking to Sarah Fergusson.
Reduction in cost of electrical vehicles and a commitment to charging stations.
Disincentivize ownership of petrol cars.
More funding to innovation to replace fossil fuels.
Electric car charging.
Leadership on housing and rental crisis.
Minister Tehan to reverse fees for humanities courses at Universities. Shattering for children who may not be high earning when they graduate.
More funding for rural and regional children attending university.
Back to when University education was free.
Action on poverty and homelessness locally and nationally and the gap between the haves and have nots.
Improve treatment of refugees. Still a lot of people falling through cracks. A lot of visa issues are mishandled.
Address Tasty plate issue and what is the solution.
Honesty in politicians and media.
Affordable Housing
Education – more funding for public schools and reduced funding for private schools, The inequities are awful.
A huge issue for Port Fairy is affordable housing and its starting to impact us. In other countries some of these cities become ghost towns and unable to attract workers. Half the houses are empty. $400 a year tax is nothing as a deterrent to people running Air BnBs. Any rural town with a tourism market is in exactly the same place.
When I shifted from Melbourne to Port Fairy, I was offered a council house. Police, teachers and bankers were provide with houses. Haweskdale and Mortlake all had houses. In Heywood the motel owners have rented the whole hotel out to accommodate people who work in the hospital. Organisations should be buying houses again to accommodate the workers. 
The withdrawal of services from small country towns murder towns.
Key workers at Councils etc. were key members in community organizations. We are still suffering from changes in Kennet era. Got all the graders and excavators from the shire and everything went out to private contractors. They do a poor job and get out. Before amalgamations the workers lived in the area and were accountable.  In the Kennet era “Everything was costed but nothing was valued.”
Taxation – 
Health – making it affordable. Some people who need bulk billing they should be able to access doctors and not be put off because their rents have gone up but their salary hasn’t.  
There is great poverty and domestic violence in Port Fairy. Police used to be  available 24/7. Now they need to travel. It can be 3 hours by the time the police come. This is shameful for a town of 3,500 people.
Involved with the Crystal Lee Foundation. They do have a cancer centre in Warrnambool hospital but if have cancer and are under 18 there are no services in Warrnambool, Camperdown or Colac.
Price gouging in Port Fairy. People I know are selling sheep for $1 each and prices we get in supermarkets.
Petrol is currently 20 cents a litre higher in Port Fairy than in Camperdown.
Tax – with every tax cut it means that there are less services. I get that people want relief, but in the 32 years that I have been of voting age, everyone has always been campaigning that you will pay less tax under us. I’m fortunate that I’m not struggling to pay my rent. It is a real problem that if we keep shrinking the income it will have direct consequences on service provision.
There is a desperate need to reorganize our tax system.
Australia is 27 million people over a really big area. We need to have a decent tax system to keep providing us with a decent lifestyle.
Wind back gambling. Advertising to promote gambling and alcohol needs to be restricted.
Should restrict the amount that specialists can charge. This is a disincentive for people to stay as GPS.
Seriously, koala habitat.  I’ve written to three bodies in my time here about planting manna gums along the rail trail corridor and – nothing.  I won’t bother you with my soap box on this subject, but my god, something needs to be done and there are plenty of potential solutions.  The rail trail is an obvious one.  Our member is doing nothing, from what I can see.
Housing – and alongside that, AirBnB.  Before Port Fairy we lived in Halls Gap for two years.  I don’t need academic studies to know that AirBnB is killing regional tourist towns.  It’s a national issue, but it’s sure as hell a local issue too. 
Transport – I’ve historically not been one to moan about government and roads, but in genuine seriousness, the standard of Victorian regional roads has, as a South Australian, stunned me.  I applaud the recent change of regional train fares to make regional public transport more affordable. 
Climate change. 
Climate change.
Climate change.
Climate change.
Climate change.
Education.  Here’s a quote from a recent Sydney Morning Herald article.  “Five private schools (in NSW and Victoria) spent a combined $175.6 million on capital works in 2021.  That’s more than all governments spent that year on capital works at half of the nation’s 6699 public schools.  That same year, Cranbrook spent more on works ($63.5 million) than the total public school capital expenditure of Tasmania and the Northern Territory combined ($62.4 million).  Just two (private) schools in Victoria together spent more in the decade from 2012 to 2022 than the entire Tasmanian public school system did.  There are 190 public schools in Tasmania.”  I don’t have children of my own.  This quote disgusts me.  Who would want to work in education?
Health – who would want to work in health?  I’m not sure that I want to say more.
Taxation – much as the current federal government was effectively ‘wedged’ into supporting the Stage 3 Tax Cuts and have chosen to make them broader and applicable to more people, it saddens me that the reality of tax cuts is that it is less revenue to government, which means less services and more pressure and stress on those who work in the services that remain. 
Corporate Behaviour and Taxation – there’s something wrong with our financial system that sees corporations deliver multi-million dollar profits on an annual basis, but we have such disparate distribution of wealth in this country.  That there are companies in this country that don’t pay tax disgusts me.  I’m happy to pay my share of tax – but it infuriates me that I pay more tax than Qantas and Ampol. 
What stands out to me today is that we, along with most countries, I guess, are a country that deals particularly badly with creeping problems.  Climate change, habitat destruction, housing, health, feral animals in regional areas, urbanisation – I could go on.  We look to our elected representatives to act on these things, and they consistently fail.
Climate change. 
Climate change.
Climate change.
Climate change.
Peace - providing real action of whatever variety to support Ukraine and to end the atrocities of the Israel / Gaza war, beyond ‘shirtfronting Mr Putin’, would be welcome.  But equally so, how many other disputes are there around the world that we don’t notice because they’re in Africa and so on?  I think we could be a much more constructive global citizen (which is really not to say that I have an issue with Senator Wong’s performance as Foreign Minister, just as I had respect for Ms Bishop in her time as well). 
I am concerned about possible disruption to sea life and sea country from offshore windfarms. We don’t know what impact these could have. There needs to be an assessment of the impacts. The blue whale comes here to feed during the Bonney upwelling.
There is a concern with onshore windfarms – the jobs that were promised, especially to indigenous people, have not eventuated. 
Climate change is impacting on the fishing industry with unseasonal changes.
Roads and infrastructure.
Tertiary education for rural students
Opportunities for trade skills – there is a huge shortage
LOcally: Housing, Jobs, Federal road infrastructure, Investment
Nationally: Corruption
Internationally: Diplomacy
Cost of living
Housing availability / affordability
Services, opportunities and services available to young people
The proposed Yumbah aquaculture development should be stopped.
Offshore oil and gas seismic blasting must be stopped
Whales and tourism should be prioritised over oil and gas and offshore wind
Health – our hospital in Portland has been allowed to run down. They are downgrading the health facilities.
You can’t get a dermatologist or a women’s health clinic. Some local clinics the books are closed, some don’t have female doctors. My daughter is having to travel to Hamilton to see a female GP. There is no federally funded women’s health clinic in the region.
Education. A lot of people go to Hamilton to a private school.
My daughter went to the local state school and had a great education. The drain of good students moving to the private system makes it more difficult. 
There needs to be better opportunities for regional and rural areas for education – the possibilities with technology are great, if you can get a reliable internet connection.
If we can afford billions of dollars on submarines, we should be able to have reliable satellite internet, tele health, etc 
Telecommunications is too fragmented – it is a problem with the duopoly, even staying in a regional area I was next to an Optus tower but couldn’t get connection because I was a Telstra customer. We need to use the sovereign wealth of Australia to fix these issues.
On the flip side of technology, not everyone can access online services. This needs to be accounted for.
We give away our resources (minerals etc) at bargain prices. We need to use existing royalties income to fund the services we need.
Climate change
Land management
Waste management
Change the production of waste 
Housing insecurity - private rental vs agency
We don’t even think about ownership of a home - it is so out of reach
Lack of rentals everywhere and especially here in Port Fairy
Housing affordability
Climate resilience
Community mindedness
Looking after nature and stop land clearing
Education: Dan needs to talk to us about what is going on in schools.  Teacher abandonment, individualization of learning, mental health and wellbeing, resourcing of staff deficits, cash reserves reduced due to covering relief staff. Massive challenge of teacher recruitment. Teacher housing as an incentive. Housing can be preventing teachers from taking jobs.  Contractors with money taking all the housing. No voice for renters.
Housing in general.  Same for health sector.
Support services for refugees coming to rural area. Trauma.  Need guidance and nurturing and connection with community. Negative behaviours are result of disconnection.
Language of leadership. Values and beliefs about what makes a good community.  “Leadership wiffle waffle”!!
Leaders to lead and stand up for what they believe in even when its hard.
Greater social good.
Local information to Tehan.  He's a federalist, he says nothing about his community.  Need someone local.
“He’s removed from the community He’s not interested”
Mental health.  How to make young people feel they belong. Protective for mental health.
Getting positive stories out. Work opportunities.  Story about why refugees are good for communities.
Energy; manufacturing, Alcoa very energy dependent, efficient renewable energy, reliability. Big picture, but needs to come down to community level.
Environment. Western District - the “Tasmania of Victoria”.  Source of food, holiday, “developing infrasturctue carefully”
Abiltiy of major players in the community to come together to develop narrative – education, health, energy.  Too much silo-ing.  Collaborative strategies.
W2040 – covers much of the goals for Warrnambool.
Strategic planning at a local but also an international level.  Need a member with “aspirational stuff”
Goals, get support from the local community.
Measurable outcomes. W2040 bit too esoteric.
“Keep community engaged in the process”
A “well being” economy/budget/government not just monetary - but noting the full ramifications of any strategy
Egalitarianism - lessen the divide between the rich and the poor
Education & Health - more respect for those working in these sectors. Need to increase numbers of teachers and nurses. Parents should be asked to sign a contract to respect teachers and an agreement for their joint responsibilities to bring up their children
Environment - keep coastline natural, no developments on the coast. Save good farming soils for farming not housing development
Development - more Australian made products 
Protection for whistleblowers
The key issue in my mind is climate change and the implications of environmental degradation on human health and relationships.
Community action that empowers individuals to contribute to trajectories with better outcomes that are bigger than ourselves are wonderful … but human traits related to ‘taking things and accumulating them for oneself’ are also real and power in these hands causes so much damage. Capitalism and business rewards these mindsets…. I don’t know how to change this. Green washing business is horrible when effect green action is possible.
Generosity and kindness are contagious… however they are more likely to come from a place of privilege. Those who have resources to meet fundamental needs have discretionary resources to nurseshare. Discretionary resources not only include items that have monetary value but also time, headspace underpinned by education to critically analyse what’s going on around us and ‘who we know.’ Concerted efforts to include people who are socio economically vulnerable without being patronising and disempowering have a place in our contemporary society. Businesses that prey on vulnerable are despicable. 
While business is essential for our economy - power in the wrong hands is damaging. Enabling those in these roles to contribute to community for deeper reasons than a tax break takes ‘values based’ conversations and understanding.
Also sport has great potential to bring people together… but elite/spectator and local sport that values male performance over females and kids, in environments that relies on alcohol at social occasions and gambling revenue to fund facilities is not the only type of sport club I want in my community. 
I dream of ‘adult’ community conversations about these clubs where critics are not rebuked as killjoys or wowsers.
The arts and sustainability actions are connection points in communities for all ages. We need to walk with young people and support and fund their efforts.
Neighbourhood actions where people enjoy benefits of their efforts every day due to creating safer and more attractive  places to live, work & play are excellent starting points for community development alongside bigger picture education and  employment initiatives.
Refugees’ assistance, (two of our members belong to Dunkeld Refugee Asylum and Support Group) e.g. Nhill and Shepparton have successful refugee resettlement programs. 
Increase conversation and communication between governments and experts, e.g., in health, emergency services, etc.
More taxation is needed to get us the services we need. Taxation is a good thing. Have more public awareness about how beneficial adequate taxation is to our society.
Superannuation is a good thing,
Longer terms between election, perhaps four-year terms, which would increase accountability, stop excessive political donations.
Have set terms, which would stop the current ability of politicians to call elections when it seems strategic, 
Lobby groups and donors should be limited, and there should be transparency, such as open diaries for which lobby groups our ministers and MPs meet with
We need to be training our own medical and health staff in cities and regional areas, train teachers better and pay them better. Fixed term contracts are so bad for teachers and nurses.
Have medical training schools in rural areas so they’ll be more likely to stay. Have adequate housing for doctors and medical staff. 
Councils should help with housing for medical and health and education staff. 
HECS debts should be abolished. There should be financial assistance to help with the cost of educating country kids to be educated at tertiary institutions in cities. Free tertiary education. Studentships to help students and stay in rural areas. 
Free dental care.
There should be consideration of a basic universal income for families. 
Assist families with the high cost of rearing a family and educating them.
Health needs to be addressed. Huge number of trained doctors and nurses and allied health workers internationally want to come to Australia to work but can’t work here as their qualifications are not recognised
We need to be able to work cooperatively with each other. There was a recent scare mongering campaign in the southern Grampians run by a group who claimed that Aboriginal people will take farmers’ land which attracted a large group of people to their meeting. However what they were claiming was not supported by fact. Local aboriginal communities just wanted involvement in local landmarks, want mutually agreed upon goals. 
More civics training in schools. Improved curriculums.
The provision of basic GP healthcare to smaller centres, Coleraine and Casterton do not currently have a GP and consequently the burden of disease, mental health issues etc are not being met. The federal and state governments need to work together to fix this.
Transparency, “soft” corruption, jobs for the elite
Housing affordability
Carbon accounting in agriculture, current methodologies are prejudiced against livestock farming and do not recognise the biodiversity services local livestock farms provide by retaining red gums 
Renewable energy and electricity transmission infrastructure being imposed on rural communities “people are not engaged until they think it will negatively affect them”
Climate change, rising sea levels, especially here in Wannon which has so much coastline. We’re so vulnerable.
Countrylessness, refugees, stateless people.
Affordable health care, dental care should be the same as the rest of our body, so included as part of Medicare.
Protect Medicare, now almost no bulk billing now available, so not affordable for many people. 
Maslow’s hierarch of needs: housing is fundamental for psychological and physical safety.
Increased disparity between rich and poor, homeowners and non-homeowners.
Trickle down economy doesn’t work.
We need reliable stable energy, e.g. community batteries, power is being made in the local area. Good if everyone had solar power and that power being stored in local and community batteries. Government needs to make it clearer that is going on in energy. What’s propaganda and what’s legitimate.
Incentivise don’t demonise, carrots not sticks, with energy.
Given our population, should be encouraging migrants, but we don’t have enough housing.
Infrastructure government and long-term planning, irrespective of which political party is in power. 
Focussed and structured housing for workers.
Tuvalu and other South Pacific Island nations are becoming increasingly under threat and will lose the island, Australia should take some responsibility.
We need to have more input to protect Australian citizens who are imprisoned overseas.
We need a smarter policy on profiting on our natural resources. Selling our resources, carefully, not just giving it away and having only a few rich people profit (e.g. Gina Rinehart).
The government gets more income from HECS than corporate mining tax. This is wrong and unbalanced.
We should pay higher taxes and get better health, education, and social services, like in Scandinavian countries and other European countries. We fall far short on world happiness scales and our happiness is dropping. 
Aged care systems are failing.
We need stop directing funding to private schools, so that public schools suffer. Education system standards are lacking, especially in rural schools.
Too much privatization
Seismic testing.
Housing affordability and availability.
Environmental issues – politicians who respect the science.
Social inclusion.
Decentralising power supply to build resilience in the system – and using less power.
High consumption is killing us
Climate change (x5)
The gap between the rich and poor (x2)
Social justice
Housing/homelessness (x5) build social housing
Addressing the issues faced by first nations people (x3)
Refugees (x3)
Health (x3)
Research and outcomes that are owned and delivered within Australia.
Education (x3) affordable to all, free university education
AUKUS places us in a risky position
Proper trade schools, government-funded apprenticeships
Teaching people to think, all the way back to primary school
Advocate for properly addressing climate change as well as bringing attention to the teacher shortage and the failing education system.
Fairness in education and health care
Fairness in housing
Fairness to those disadvantaged
Not trying to achieve zero emissions without a care for people.
Immigration stop the flow and house current population first.
Education Universities and tech tafe, go back to achievement based entry not financial. Free to our students, invest in our future. No debt at the end, why are we educating those overseas who can afford it becomes elite.
Australia to take back ownership of all utilities for stabilisation and reliability. We have a gas resource we have no local access to. It doesn’t make any sense.
Don’t take the farmers land for infrastructure.
Australia can individually cut emissions. Each home and business can add to the grid , buy installing own slat and battery system, i the government ran utilities not power companies.
I can’t get infrastructure without paying 180000 to Powercor even though I’m 15 minutes from one of Australia’s largest windfarms. Once again strange in a wealthy country.
Australia is disintegrate like our roads ca the people please make the policies become common sense communities based not sales profit based
Local - improve equitable funding of schools & services
Aust - improve inequality, prioritise environment
World - commit to environmental repair
Gaza/Palestine and bringing Israel to justice for its war crimes. Environmental action. Improved health and education. Closing the gap with Indigenous socioeconomic outcomes. Closing the general socioeconomic gap between the ultra rich and the rest of the population by taxing big corporations appropriately and making them pay their fair share.
Our inhumane and distorted treatment of asylum seekers eg fly in and you’re welcome
Offshore wind turbines and the detrimental effects they will have.
Roads which are being broken up and destroyed by logging trucks.
A peaceful world
1) Climate change.
2) Fix Wannon’s roads.
3) Build much more Commission houses and apartments to rent.
4) Do not allow Australia to become a Cashless Society.
5) Continue to support Ukraine against that maniac terrorist murderer Putin.
The arms manufacturing taking place in Victoria (Lara, Waurn Ponds and Geelong) and vote against the contract with Elbit as its complicity in genocide. Set up an independent body that investigates the police when there’s violent or criminal behaviour. Find out who is doing the feoengineering of the skies and water and stop them. Stop Wannon water adding poisonous chemicals into the water. Make public the knowledge of funding donations of parties and individuals. Consult with their electorate on regular days. Stop backing the US and withdraw from being in AUKUS etc. Following the US is detrimental to us.
Global warming
Taxation laws
Access to mental health services
AOD services including detox facilities
Environmental protections
Locally - equity of access to services, closing the city / rural gap. Support health services and schools to attract and retain staff.
State - increased funding for public schools / hospitals.
Nationally - Address the crisis we are experiencing with regards to violence against women and children. increase support for refugees / asylum seekers. Support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.
Climate change
Better management of the environment including waste reduction
Fair distribution of wealthIndigenous
Appropriate funding for state schools and low-income schools
Establish on-shore processing for refugees and asylum seekers
Human induced climate change. To take this seriously and act on it.
Renewable energy. Just get on with it.
Affordable housing. Working out ways such that young people can afford houses.
Good education for everyone.
Sensible, rational tax reform. To follow the evidence so that the average person is better off.
Address political polarisation. To work together constructively with other for the greater good.
To respect science.
To be a good global citizen and help our neighbours.
To support democracy around the world and in Australia.
Good healthcare for all.
Conservation of our remaining forests and ecosystems is vitally important. To stop clearing native vegetation.
At the same time we need to assist farmers to maintain sustainable farming practices.
We do still need work on our road systems and public transport.
Make rental more affordable. At the same time tenants need protections so their property is not trashed.
Decent wages.
Currently affordability is a big issue.
Deal with monopolies so that big corporations are not taking advantage of their power.
There is so many issues. Technology, policing etc.
1. Climate change.
2. Environmental Protection
3. Improved public education and health
4. Reconciliation with local indigenous peoples.
I want first and foremost a commitment to tackling the issue of climate change and the serious reductions in our greenhouse gas emissions. We have so many environmental issues to address, The slow death of The Great Barrier Reef for a start. It’s late but we should try.
I want the genocide in Gaza to stop and those people to receive aid, Food would be a start but hospitals, school, universities, religious places and homes need to be rebuilt. Sanctions for Israel.
add diversity to the above list
Ashew party politics.
Not be in pocket and influence of business lobbyists
Equality of opportunity.
Recognition of the history of Frist Nations people.
Tangible care for our children and future generations
Climate change in a constructive and scientifically and economically realistic manner - and fast.
1. Climate change-needs to be taken more seriously at all levels and action taken. Support emmission controls and similar.
2. Refugees-Australia needs to get away from the shameful treatment of refugees. Oppose offshore detension and support humane policies.
3. Sustainability- we need to move to a more sustainable economy rather than one based only on consumption. Support renewables, not rediculous ideas of nuclear or coal.
4. Equity- need to ensure all in the community share. ie less tax cuts and benefits for the already well off. Support changes to capital gains and similar.
5. Eductation- this should be free and more freely available rather than the rigid course structure offered by universities and Tafes.
6. Health- access to all in society for good health coverage (ie protect Medicare and NDIS)
Climate change, equality and social justice, refugee incarceration, First Nations recognition.
Education for our young people in the state system seems to be undervalued
Good Health.
General education of the community in the world around them, including history seems to be lacking
Integrity in Parliament, better control and transparency of lobby groups and donations, seriously tackling the climate change crisis and other environmental issues (endangered species, clearing of vegetation, water usage and security, etc, more productive use of parliamentarians time, addressing the continuing world refugee crisis, more scrutiny on the use of taxpayers' money, stricter control of misinformation and disinformation
First Nations inequity- climate change- better support for low income families both financially and access to health and education services- more support for refugees-
Environmental issues
Public school funding . , climate change , equality - especially for indigenous people after failed voice referendum.. The support of Israel by Australia needs to stop and its leader needs to be htt we led accountable for genocide .
improved treatment of refugees & people seeking asylum, negotiations towards peace, efforts at reducing climate change, efforts at improving dialogue between our political parties.
Climate change.
Community facilities. Schools , roads etc.
An independant path in foreign policy
An independant review of defence spending and aquisition.
No single issue. Take each piece of legislation as it comes and judge it on its merits.
Health. Lack of Doctors especially in our areas.
Education. The inability to recruit teachers to our area is severely affecting the curriculum of our kids.
Housing for everyone and treat drug use as a health issue instead of a legal problem.
Put dental care in Medicare
Stop wars by not misleading people
Immediate action on climate change; reduction of inequality, both within Australia and across the world; access to affordable housing for all Australians, not just property investors; increased taxation of large corporations and the ultra-rich so they pay their fair share.
The integrity of our politicians - ensuring that this Federal Govt does follow through as it undertook to do on an integrity commission - ending lying in political campaigns.
Engage constructively in dialogue regarding Australia's energy transition and as an important agricultural region lead/educate on farming practices that can help. eg banning stubble burning.
Be a local public voice around which the community can coalesce on issues that matter but on which our current member is largely silent (it's just leadership) eg. the Gaza conflict, Refugee policies, tax reform, economic reform etc.
Star of rural roads in Victoria, everything is Melbourne centred...Country roads/people DO NOT matter
Climate change, poverty and inequality
Integrity. The environment and climate change. The growing gap in have and have-nots. Respect for women. Local access to quality services.
World: plan for a place where Aust can live in peace...including no soldiers fighting wars o'seas; supporting those countries who are fighting eg Ukraine; protect the vulnerable o'seas, eg the people of Gaza; develop a humane refugee policy with community placements and governmental supports.
Aust: climate change (renewable energy), integrity in politics, reconciliation with indigenous brothers and sisters, respect for women and the end of violence against women.
locally: make polluters accountable (esp farmers on waterways) and fund programs to address waterways destruction and degradation. Manage tourism through a co-ordinated approach that favours communities not developers.
Regen agriculture, getting cows out of waterways, circular economy, plastic use and waste, inequality and the increasing concentration of wealth and power, toxic media, education for kindness to others, the continuing decline of native species, restoration of natural places and biodiversity, corridors and connections for wildlife, climate change mitigation............
transparency. Not following blindly the party line when that is not the wish of the local community.
ban nuclear weapons, war of any kind, sustainable agriculture, urban sprawl, pollution, unfair justice system, unfairness of any kind
Accelerate the energy transition in order to lower carbon emissions in line with IPCC guidelines.
Be compassionate on refugee issues.
The one issue that overrides all others in taking action on climate change with as fast as possible emissions reduction.
Climate change, inclusivity, public education, refugee welfare
change to the current refugee policy addressing humanitarian issues. Social/public housing provision. Environmental issues in Wannon - tree clearing, etc
- The lack of childcare in many towns (particularly Port Fairy and Warrnambool) and the flow on effect that has when it comes to shortages in many professions.
- The shocking way we treat refugees and the inhumane policies the Australian Government continue to endorse.
- the inadequate funding being afforded to government schools, when elite private schools still receive federal funding.
- stopping negative gearing to try and help relieve the housing crisis.
Climate change. Protection of natural resources and biodiversity.
Climate action. All the things the Voice was going to do. Representative and accountable government.
First Nations empowerment and justice.
Accelerating renewable energy strategies.
Encouraging Art & Philosophy studies in education.
Supporting the UN Declaration of Human Rights.
Expanding educational opportunities, regionally and beyond.
Protecting and restoring the natural world.
Safety & Inclusion for our most vulnerable.
Supporting global equality.
Meaningful employment.
Resisting nepotism.
Environment, education, human rights
Environment, appropriate renewable energy (NOT offshore windfarms), roads.
Climate change and the growth of renewable energy are vital issues that, in the macro sense, will be best managed by the federal government. But an active local member could achieve much at the micro level working with councils and local community groups.
Crime rates against women, the law in charging murderers etc, law for traffic offences, better access too everything for those who are disabled, mental health issues
I would like to hear more than platitudes. I know roads are constantly mentioned and so they should be. It would be great to get a better understanding why so often this region missed out on necessary funding eg The Lighthouse project.
Healthy environment
Recognition and action on First Nations people Voice to power
Sustainable development
Prompt action on climate change
Equitable use of taxation resources across all forms of government
Land regeneration, including farm land, transition to renewable, recycling advances, finding solutions to childcare and housing crisis, laws for developers that rule they must have green space and plant trees, aged care options e.g more loving at home options
Social inequity including housing, climate change, regulation of the ‘gig’ economy, revision of media ownership,
We need both sides of government to support a carbon tax asap.
We need to start rebuilding the expertise of an independent public service.
We need to invest as much in diplomacy as we are doing armaments.
The tax system needs changing. Probably should relook at the Henry Tax Review
We are a significant contributor to Victoria and Australia's food resources
We are an important contributor a sustainable and climate managed future.
We need to build our infrastructure and build our population in the regions
We need to ensure that our towns do not suffer from the suburban sprawl like in Melbourne.
Wind turbines and solar should not be more important that our natural. ecosystems.
We need to push a green agenda - better management of new house construction, incentives for hybrid/ electric cars, improve public transport systems, more recharging stations, hands off the ocean.
Climate change
Engagement with community.
Focus on global warming.
Stop seismic testing for gas and oil.
Promote sustainable energy sources including wind turbines.
Support for marginalised communities.
Local innovative education and employment opportunities.
Issues that are local and not things that are happening overseas unless it actually impacts on our electorate
Greater equity, farming/agriculture fairness, look after our farmers.
Stand up for your communities.
Encourage and support people to get involved in their local community and local policy.
Male violence against women, global warming.
Environment, carbon emissions.
The ongoing politicisation of refugee arrivals - treating victims of life as criminals to make a political case.
Generation gap inequality, the transition to clean energy, climate change is real
Ban all seismic blasting in oceans and on land. Ban all new fossil fuel exploration and extraction. Take immediate action on alternative energy sources. Make foreign companies pay tax. Increase the resouces rental tax and strengthen the futures fund. Take immediate action to protect wildlife habitat and avoid further species extinction. Ban all political donations: instead allot a fixed amount to all parties and political groups. Free Julian Assange. Radically amend Australia's foreign policy to create an independent nation, not an agent of the United States. Stop fighting US-driven wars that are against the national interest. Take steps to undo the disastrous experiment that is privatisation, most urgently in respect of health, education, water, power supply, aged care. Set up an education campaign on a treaty with First Nations people: don't announce a referendum and then not support it.
Climate change, lobbyists , donations to major parties , transparency
Homelessness, lack of affordable housing, increasing funding & quality of medical services, addition of dental to Medicare, addressing cost of living pressures, abolishing public funding of private schools, improving infrastructure particularly roads, departure from fossil fuels, addressing inequality but cracking down on tax evasion by billionaires & corporations, increasing university funding & removing inflation from student HECS debts.peace
I have a lot of suggestions but he would not be able or inclined to address them as his past years in this area has shown, and the utterances of negative spin we hear when he speaks as an MP in canberra.
Food insecurity
An electoral process that treats individual and minor parties the same as major parties. Support for our neighbours. Caring for the disadvantaged. Climate change. Transparency in Government.
Refugees / Immigration. Taxing the wealthy and large corporations properly. Tackle the issues of poverty and homelessness. Better health care in the regions.
Climate change - urgently address the need to reduce emissions and restrict warming to 1.5 deg. This requires no new fossil fuel projects and the rapid scaling down of those existing. There is huge potential for Australia to benefit from a rapid transition to zero emissions.
Refugees must be treated humanely with much better systems set up to deal with the current crisis and to also deal with the expected large volume of displaced people fleeing war, famine and climate change induced sea rise.
We need to stop aiming for "growth" . Stability and down-sizing the economy is what is required to deal with the excessive pollution and carbon emissions from unbridled "development". The planet is "over-stocked" and we are using up resources much faster than they can be replenished.
Nuclear power should NOT be considered - too dangerous and too costly. Renewables must be developed and supported by government at all levels.
Environmental issues should be considered before any new development with protecting land, water and biodiversity critical.
Regenerative agriculture should be supported as the way forward to sustainable farming.
Climate change, lack of affordable housing, poor health outcomes for local people. Lack of mobile phone reception in the electorate, but most of all, the state of the roads.
Environmental issues, social fragmentation, articulating the common good, caring for refugees
Climate change, energy, housing, education, availability of medical and dental procedures, equality, fairness, negative gearing impact.
Action on climate change; affordable/social housing; reduction in wealth disparities through measures such as abolition of negative gearing on multiple properties, introduction of an inheritance tax, etc.; greater accountability on government funded programs delivered by the private sector. World peace.
Climate change.
Stop locking up Assylum Seekers.
Stop being negative.
Meeting carbon emissions targets - ramping up support for renewables and other environtechnologies to achieve this.
Implementing the Uluru Statement from the hear in full
Gap between rich and poor (dwindling middle class)
Removing federal government funding for private schools
Taxing religious organisations as businesses
Environment, Climate Change, First Nations issues, Mental health, Regional Health.
As above: Caring for our environment is paramount to our survival and caring for our local community is essential for everybody; we all matter and no one is better than anyone.
Climate change and inclusion
Women’s safety
Safe communities
Cohesive communities- less devisive politics
Transparency in politics and decision making
Promoting healthy communities
1. Fight for proper education, access to work and a better life, and proper inclusion for ALL people with disabilities.
2. Fight and defeat the search for gas and destructive seismic blasting proposed in the Otway Basin, the Southern Ocean, and in oceans right around Australia.
3. Ensure the Australian Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC) actually protects our natural environments, biodiversity, wildlife, habits and threatened species, and that all States and Territories do significantly better at this as well, in particular in stopping native and especially old growth logging, massively increasing marine parks and protecting our oceans properly, creating the Belfast Coastal Reserve as a National Park, and ensuring all National Parks, State Parks and Reserves have as their primary focus the protection of indigenous flora and fauna and habitat, rather than the current focus of turning them into tourism attractions and assets. This incidious creep in change of focus and usage not only ignores why previous governments created such Parks in the first place, and risks further loss of species and degradation of habitat and environment, but sends the wrong messages to the public about why wildlife and indigenous species and biodiversity matters. These animals and places are not there for human entertainment and to make money, they need to be able to live their natural lives protected from the threats posed by humans and our greedy wants for 'entertainment' and profit.
3. Get on board with tackling climate change properly and ensure that initiatives to enable this are achieved without further environmental destruction.
4. Stop the massive waste of taxpayer funds on AUKUS, do the courageous thing and clean out the Defence hierachy from the lack of skills and judgement which continues to end up with Australia making poor acquisition decisions, such as the Collins submarines and doing the AUKUS deal which many experts consider a 'dud deal'.integ
Climate Change
Housing affordability
Greater recognition and celebration of first nations people and culture
Childcare! And mental health services. Both are severely lacking in our region.
Climate change
Access to quality mental health care
Access to excellent palliative care
Humans treatment of refugees - Labors record very disappointing since the last election.
Education - the amount of the funding granted to private schoolsxat the expense of the public system is obscene. And I attended a private school and sent my children to private schools.
The terrible state of our roads, improving transport links and health services
Climate change.
Mental health
Climate change.
Making sure our government is never again complicit in genocide..
Better conditions for renters.
House prices, access to housing.
Raising the rate of Centrelink payments.
Corporate greed / cost of living.
Inequality, tax breaks for the rich, etc.
Climate change, integrity, social equity. Obviously responsible financial management is important but it would not be responsible if these three factors aren’t addressed. A strong economy is desirable so that we can look after society rather than be an end in itself
Address media ownership and protect local and regional media
Address the influence of social media platforms
Housing - available and affordable
address the inequality and growing disparity - a measure of a society is how well it looks after it most vulnerable and least well off.
Stop with the short term political fixes and short term thinking, develop meaningful long term strategic plans particularly in relation to housing, energy, transport and climate change
Taxation reform
On a day to day level, telecommunications are the most pressing need. Telephone and internet service is problematic at best (but disgraceful most of the time) especially with the phasing out of the 3G network. It is very difficult to conduct business at times and a serious issue in the case of an emergency. Any improvements to service have to be borne by individuals and are very expensive.
More generally, the most pressing issue for me is climate change. Our local member has failed to champion renewable technologies in the region including wind farms, solar farms and off-shore wind developments despite Wannon hosting all the natural resources to develop in this respect and to create jobs and growth for its constituents.
Id like our local member for Wannon to have some proactive policies on anything. Id like them to engage with clever people and offer solutions, rather than simply being blockers.
I would like to have a viable opposition party who challenges and brings constructive options and ideas to the table, in areas such as education, health, housing, cost of living, economic inequality - particularly for young people. I want to hear long term strategies and thinking around how we mitigate and adapt to climate change, and strategies and action around how we reduce emissions, and build quality infrastructure for long term use and prosperity.
I want fiscal responsibility, and I want to be represented by people who care about these sorts of things, and not be represented by someone whose ambitions are centered on themselves, their party and their own career or economic interests/advancement.
I want ideas and opportunities to get on board with.
Access to Good education and cost of university, good school classroom and facilities, good sporting grounds and courts
Roads & safety - more accountability on who is building & repairing roads . Promotion of kindness through policy
I would like our taxation system overhauled to ensure we get the best possible economic outcome from our resources while they are needed and with that windfall, education funding inequality dealt with, university education revamped and investment pumped into future focused industries. The problems we face should be voted for and will be solved by a well educated and engaged population

Is there anything more we need to talk about? 

When are we going to get the nice speedy Vlocity trains to and from Melbourne?? In what century will it ever be faster to get public transport from Warrnambool to Melbourne. 
Preferences – liked that Alex let people do their own preferences, but was detrimental to his campaign.
Media – independent media
Need to get word out that Voices of Wannon are not green, not teal, they are independent, not connected with a political partyenergy
Could the election of the Labor party into federal govt, take away energy from Teals and independents?
There is too much newspaper ownership concentrated in one person. This type of control is not conducive to democracy. It’s like a conspiracy theory.
Concern about the proposal for offshore wind power near Portland. Bad for fisheries and tourism. 
Anti-corruption, more accountability and transparency. 
Better understanding of lobbyists.
Many of the participants talked about trauma and being traumatised by watching the retreat of democracy.
More states people and less politicians.
We in the southwest are the forgotten corner of Victoria and need to better recognised and supported. We’re moving towards being the basket case of the state. 
Wannon is such a stable conservative electorate, and this has been taken for granted and  not be rewarded and recognised. 
How well communities in Australia (Victoria in particular) were able to work together during COVID and what this tells us about the role of leadership in public office and what our real levels of trust in government are compared with how they are portrayed in social and mass media
The creation of Total Renewable Communities based on bioenergy and rooftop solar including district heating systems and syngas to renewable diesel fuel production with biochar byproduct for use in agriculture
Early detection of bushfires through a remote camera network covering the Grampians on a 24/7 basis
Bushfire fuel reduction through harvesting vegetation on roadsides, firebreaks and under transmission lines and then using it for bioenergy production
Using ground applied retardant to construct bushfire control lines
The long-term rainfall trends in the Grampians region with a projected steep decline
Is there anything more we need to talk about?
We need an independent candidate for Wannon as soon as possible.
People parking on footpaths is a real problem for people in wheelchairs. There should be more enforcement of this. 
I would be great to have an amphitheatre near Lake Pertobe – would be great for the young people to have concerts etc
I have real concerns that some of our politicians associate with inappropriate people – eg: Dan Tehan went to a conservative conference in the UK with people in attendance who are of very bad character (would not be allowed in to Australia), another example was Moira Deeming at anti-trans marches
Politicians should not be using taxpayer money to go to events which are not related to their work
Other issues:
Targeting different demographics in order to get change.
Targeting the primary and secondary schools so they know how to vote when they leave school
( 4 of the participants in this KTC didn’t have a clue after school how to vote or who to vote for… they didn’t know any of the candidates or what they were all about) They may never vote for an independent because they know even less about that concept
Can’t ever assume that every pocket or group of people are on the same page
Teals are now becoming so substantial that they can’t just limit themselves to local electoral issues. Teals get elected on local issues, but they also need to open their thinking to wider national issues, with a broader perspective. Neither Liberal nor Labor politicians are capable of dealing with these huge issues. The teals need to become a more coordinated group. Most politicians are just spoon fed by their advisors. Independents are actually respected and listened to in parliament by Liberal and Labor politicians. 
Review of the current federal-state-local government arrangements
The immigration system and the backlog of applications, including for skilled migration
How we get on with other countries is important
The federal government needs to pay more attention to agriculture, “people living in the cities don’t realise how important farmers are”. Misinformation from activist groups.
More education about energy options including hydrogen. It’s still unclear. 
Offshore wind turbines.
Is there anything more we need to talk about?
Several people expressed total disenchantment with the two-party system.
There should be a field of candidates for the VoW to choose whom to endorse.
Thank you for the survey
Thank you to Voices of Wannon for your commitment to democracy & restoring my faith in our political process
Thank you for organising this. I’m a busy mum of 3 and haven’t been able to make any meetings in person so it’s good to have a way to express my thoughts and opinions to a group that is passionate about positive change.
Thank you for your amazing volunteer commitment
Yes having attended the public meeting today Saturday 23 March in Warrnambool, I am very concerned Dan Tehan will gain traction with his stance on the offshore wind turbines. 
Yes: the sooner we elect an independent MP for Wannon the better, because we are constantly pushing shit uphill with “Dysfunctional Dan”!
Yes. I was really disappointed that Dan followed the party line and used scare tactics to negate the Voice referendum. Please do not have our politics go the way of the US. Do what’s right not what’s politically expedient.
Thanks for the opportunity to have my say. I would never share my views with the current member, because I just don’t trust him or his party, and they make me feel unsafe, misunderstood and unrepresented.
Life is busy. It is hard to find time to do things and it is hard to know what to do.
I think when my children are a bit older I would like to participate more in organisations that are trying to support communities and attempting to both stopping Australia regressing and making Australia better.
Thank you for your initiative.
The fact that our current representative accepts electoral support for his party from anonymous billionaires who back ADVANCE is a scandal and should be exposed by the mainstream media - including often the ABC - all of whom are currently performing very poorly indeed.
Very angry at the nonsensical and negative attitude of (mainly)the coalition parties re the important issues.
The member need to be respectful of others in Parliment. Decisions need to be made for the good not only of our electorate but for the benefit of all Australians (and global citizens in some cases). We should be proud of these decisions (not like the shambles of climate and refugee policies).
In any communication or correspondence with the current member for Wannon, I have always felt fobbed off and have had that member`s views pushed onto me through his emails etc. In particular his stance in regard to the Voice referendum indicated that he may have been connected to the troublesome Advance group, who hold abhorrent views on many issues.
I am disappointed with the Refugee policies and narrowness of our education system
I think it is time to do away with Negative gearing and franking credits. I believe we have become a society that undervalues the work put in by the average person. The Corporate body seems to rule
I’d like see a much fairer Australia
I'm disillusioned with politics. Alex Dyson's campaign at the last election engaged me for its positivity
I would like an independent candidate to run on a platform of honesty and good governance, not necessarily on issues.
Have a local music venue for all musicians to meet, practice/rehearse and learn from each other.
We are more than a bit excited about becoming a part of Voices for Wannon. We hope our frustration with the current situation doesn't come through too strongly in our responses and that our perspective is useful.
Need to have people with life skills/experience in management jobs, not university trained with only "on paper" experience
I think the current rep is (and always has been) disrespectful of his electorate. He has no interest in constituents; only his political career.
Thanks for your work. Be bold. Together we can make a real difference in wannon and beyond.
I hope Alex will stand again and I’d be happy to help in anyway if he does.
In the last election I helped run the candidates forum in Colac and I got to know and heard first hand from the prospective candidates. While I thought that Alex Dyson was engaging and confident I do not believe that he is electable. For a VoW candidate to succeed he/she will have to capture a sizable vote from LNP voters and Alex would not be an "acceptable" candidate for many usual LNP voters. I also thought that Alex was light on when trying to articulate his policies.
I'm sure there are others in the community that would be willing to be a candidate and who would have a better chance of defeating the incumbent local member.
Good luck to VoW.
I would like to live in an electorate where people’s issues are taken seriously and genuine attempts are made to address those issues as much as possible
Just that I really appreciate the work this group does in trying to engage people in our democracy.
Yes. Act on climate change!
That’s all for now except to say thanks for all your great work. Having VoW is a great thing.
Our Electorate should be a thriving and progressive Electorate.
It isn't. It is in stasis. It is stuck in old thinking.
Wannon has gone down hill, there is no safety, no community feel, no respect for one another, culturally disengaged. Disengaged from the city,
I am excited to see that Vouces for Wannon are active and giving people an opportunity to voice their concerns outside of party politics.
Voices of Wannon are doing an outstanding job of providing this electorate with an alternative
I think voices of wannon need to focus on getting a member who really represents them because pretty much all of their values are needed for the future. It's fine to talk, but getting rid of a career politician like Dan Tehan would be a huge step in getting better outcomes for wannon
Recognition of indigenous peoples in our constitution. Thank you for the opportunity.
My partner and I don’t live full time in Wannon yet.
I rack my brains in the search for a high profile independent candidate, but I can't think of one.
Most of the time I see or hear from our local member I am embarrassed and angry by what he says. He does not demonstrate connection to his great community. Instead he tows the party line, one can only assume to promote his personal stasis.
I wish I didn't feel like this is a waste of my time.
That one issue is a blot on Australia’s reputation Internationally.
Hopefully you can find a great person to run for wannon. I am from colac and was disappointed when we were changed to wannon. Bloody big rural areas will always go conservative
If this sounds all too idealistic, I'd just remind folk that a similar approach was underway in the Whitlam era.
Let’s get rid of Dan Tehan
Until people learn to have self control and lose their sense of privelige or importance nothing will change especially if public figures are poor role models.
Additional funding for community houses
Tax reform - desperately needed!
Our nation needs to make a commitment to the Henry Tax Reforms but it would be political suicide, so it will never happen.
I called engagement with politics quits after the Voice referendum. I am glad there are people who still have hope. I detest that Dan Tehan spent taxpayer money on his lying pamphlets about the Voice.
I became disenfranchised with Voices of Wannon when the executive decided not to support the Yes vote, even following considerable feedback from the members. V of W talk about kitchen table conversations, but there were none offered before this executive decision was made, which is contrary to the ethos of the group and at odds with every other Voices movement across Australia.
I have had poor responsiveness from Dan Tehan when I have written to him regarding matters of concern
Keep doing your great work Voices of Wannon!
I was appalled by Dan Tehan's campaigning against the Voice to Parliament referendum. He showed no consultation with the local community, and only campaigned his parties interests. He should be listening to the local community, and local first nations voices as opposed to his Liberal party members in Canberra.
Thanks for the opportunity to give feedback. Hope it gets used.
Dan Tehan does not represent my views.
I feel the area is under sold as a tourist destination outside of 12 apostles geriward and roadport fairy. More support for tourist facilities outside of these major attractions is required
consider what sort of society / community do we want, and how do we achieve that. If we want roads, hospitals, a public education system, and NDIS, etc we need to be prepared to pay for it and pay taxes. one example - obscene govt money going to "elite" sports and very well off sporting bodies (eg AFL stadiums or Grand Prix (although state) while community sports clubs (and arts and cultural bodies) struggle. Fund the kids and future generation of participants.
Keep up the great work VOW. I appreciate the adult conversations and deep thinking you inspire, enthusiasm you bring to our community, and the hope and opportunity that comes from challenging the status quo. Thank you!
Find some $ to build roundabout at the cross roads of Glenelg Highway, just east of Streatham, Beaufort- Nerrin Nerrin Rd
An ethical representative would respect and listen to their constituents, put their wishes forward regardless of personal career aspirations, party politics or internal political manouvering. Unfortunately, for a decade this is all I have seen from the member for Wannon.