What Wannon Wants
Community Priorities Announced - November 2021
What Wannon Wants
After an extensive consultation process, Voices of Wannon has published our report highlighting the priorities of the communities of the Wannon electorate.
Report Summary
Our Kitchen Table Conversation process showcased a community that is proud of its natural environment, its welcoming community spirit, its peacefulness, its diverse economic sector, and the availability of great education and health services.
While people in Wannon love their communities, they acknowledge there is room for improvement, particularly in support for the disadvantaged, being more welcoming of people from diverse backgrounds, better roads and public transport services, and greater opportunities for young people.
Our community consultation process found the following issues to be of the highest concern:
- Real and urgent action on climate change
- Improving integrity and transparency in government
- Treating refugees and people seeking asylum with compassion
- Increasing the availability of affordable and social housing
- Improving access to health services, in particular mental health services
These main priorities were only some of the dozens of issues raised during Kitchen Table Conversations and via our online survey. Other issues that were raised frequently included caring for and restoring our natural environment, addressing social inequality, and improved support for public education.
An overwhelming majority of people did not feel that they are being well represented by their local federal member of parliament. People wanted to have their concerns listened to and respected, and for their local member to be more present in the community. There was strong support for greater transparency of political donations, and for government decisions to be based on informed and impartial advice.
This report shows that the people of Wannon need their local member to better represent their key concerns, and to do so with integrity, transparency and accountability.
Get your copy of the full report
Link to complete transcript
The complete notes from all conversations and online responses are available here.
Media enquiries
For any media enquiries contact:
Genevieve Grant
0417 122 199